My Strength

I opened my eyes when I heard beeping sounds in the room. The room was so bright that I had to shut them tight again. I tried to move my fingers as it felt like something is holding them.

" Anna! Anna! She is awake. Call the doctor!" I heard Alex's panicked voice and I opened my eyes slowly and turned my head to look at him. It took some time to adjust the image of Alex's face.

" Alex." I whispered his name slowly. I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw the background where Alex was standing.

" Why are we in the hospital?" I asked him and tried to sit up when I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head.

" Don't get up, dear. You hurt your head in your company." Alex said and then I remembered the scene before I fainted.

" Did Jordan bring me here? Where is he?" I asked Alex.