Better Stay Hungry

Alex stayed me with next few hours when Mom and Dad came to meet me. Mom was extremely anxious and scared by the incident that happened to me. I assured her that everything is alright and she does not need to worry. Soon after they left, Graham and Kelvin came with Penelope and Kelly.

" Anna, are you okay? I heard about the incident. I told you that you should have kept yourself far from those unwanted people." Kelly said to me while checking the wound on my head.

" I know. I didn't recognize her face when I saw her. If I had known, I would have left the place quickly." I said to her as she shook her head.

" You should file a report against her. It will be a relief when she gets sued." Penelope said, flaring in anger.

" Jordan already took care of her." I said to her.

" What did he do? Did you ask him?" Kelly asked me curiously.

" Not yet." I said shaking my head. "Alex, can you please ask Jordan to tell me what did he do?" I requested Alex.