Worst Nightmare

" He is not only my bodyguard but an assistant too. He is the one who contacted you as Senior Assistant." I explained to her and her eyes widened.

" S-Senior Assistant, he?" she asked in surprise as well as disbelief.

" Why? You have a problem with that?" Fifteen said looking back at her.

" S-Sorry. O-Of course, I don't have a problem, Mr. Fifteen." Lily said awkwardly.

" Ok, since both of you now know each other, go to your work. Ask me if you have more questions." I said when Lily again raised her hand.

" This time, I have a question for Mr. Fifteen." she said.

" Go ahead and ask." I said, giving her permission.

" Mr. Fifteen, should I call you Mr. Fif or Mr. Teen since Mr. Fifteen is very long and funny." she said and I looked at her in disbelief. At first, I thought she is just kidding but her expression told otherwise. She was looking seriously at Fifteen like it was the most basic question.