Seems Just Yesterday

The next morning my eyes opened when I heard a knocking on my door. Alex also woke up hearing the knock. I stretched myself on the bed while Alex got up to open the door. I looked towards the door to see who has come this early in the morning.

" Good morning, Master." I heard Aunt Zhao's voice.

" What happened?" Alex asked her.

" Mr. Fifteen and Ms. Avery are here for ma'am. They are waiting for her in the study room." Aunt Zhao said and I quickly stood up on my feet.

" They are already here! What time is it?" I asked in surprise.

" It's already 11 a.m. now." Aunt Zhao answered and I quickly walked toward the windows to pull up the curtains. The sun was shining brightly in the sky indicating that it was already very late.

" I'm going to take a bath, Alex!" I announced loudly and quickly walked towards the bathroom.