Hello, Dear Sister

" Why did you stop kissing?" Alex asked and again leaned forward to kiss me but I put my hand on his lips.

" Didn't you hear their voices? Lily and Fifteen saw us kissing each other. It's so embarrassing." I said and Alex removed my hand from his lips.

" So what? It was just a kiss." Alex said and I looked at him with big eyes.

" What do you mean by it was just a kiss? It was a kiss! That's still age-restricted." I said and took a few steps away from him.

" They are already adults." Alex said as a matter of fact.

" Still." I said looking at him in disbelief. How can things like this can't embarrass him!

" Drop the topic, love. Let's go and have lunch. I need to go to the company early today since I have a meeting afterward." Alex said and came near me to hold my hands.

" Then what about our appointment with Aunt Sen?" I asked him. Earlier he told me that we will be going to check up today.