These Kids

" I'm only following the orders, Ms. Evans. Boss ordered me to protect you at all cost. I can't listen to any order that can cause harm to you." he said and I closed my fists tightly to control my anger or else I would have shouted at him.

" Then, what do you want to do? If something happens to Alex, I won't forgive you ever." I said to him.

" Don't worry. I won't let anyone harm either you or Mr. Wilson." Fifteen said and took out his phone. I tried to manage my temper since his behavior was giving me a headache.

" Come down. I'm waiting at the entrance of the company." Fifteen said to someone on phone and then hung up the call.

" Whom are you calling?" I asked him.

" You will know in a second." he said. I looked outside the car's window, at the entrance of RMG to see who is coming. After a few minutes of waiting, I saw Lily coming out of the building.