Heaven Pavilion

Fifteen stopped the car when we had reached Heaven Pavilion.

" She asked me to come to the construction site in Heaven Pavilion." I said to Fifteen. I couldn't see any construction site from here. Only tall buildings could be seen with a few villas.

" Ok." he said and drove further inside the Heaven Pavilion.

" The car can't go further ahead. It's time for Lily to go there alone." Fifteen said, stopping the car again. I looked outside the window. The narrow lane was leading to a construction site. A big banner that the site is closed hung on top of that. I was feeling a bit hesitant to send Lily there.

" I'll be going then." Lily said and was going to open the car's door when I stopped her.

" Is there something that you want to tell me, President?" Lily asked me when I didn't say anything after stopping her. I bit my lips and shook my head.

" Just take care of yourself." I said at the end. Lily smiled hearing me.