Proper Funeral

( Lily's POV )

My heart started to thud uncontrollably inside my chest when President's sister was forcing me to say something.

" What aren't you speaking! Do you want to get beaten!" one of the men there shouted at me and grabbed me by my hair.

" Ahh!!!" I screamed in pain.

" Are you all fools! Can't you make a person say something! Turn on the camera. I'll see her myself." Sophia ordered her men and sweat started to form on my forehead. If she sees my face, our plan will fail. I haven't even found out where Mr. Wilson is yet.

" Yes, ma'am." one of the men standing beside the screen said and was going to turn the camera on. I hurriedly stabbed the person's leg who was pulling my hair with my heels.

" Ah! You bit*h!" he screamed in pain while I got out of his grasp. I quickly turned around and started running towards the exit, ready to escape from there.