I Must Be The Second

( Anna's POV )

" Are feeling alright, Lily?" I asked her as I took a seat beside her. She nodded her head.

" I'm fine, President. You don't need to worry." she said and I looked at her wounds.

" It must be hurting, right? I will give you one week of medication leave. Take care of yourself." I said to which she shook her head.

" I don't need a one-week holiday. I'll be fine in a few days." she said but I refused. I was already feeling very guilty seeing Lily in this condition. If she hadn't gone there, she wouldn't be in this condition.

" Excuse me, Miss." I heard Butler's voice and I turned to look at him. He was standing in the doorway with a food tray in his hand.

" I have brought lunch for Ms. Avery." he said and came towards the bed to hand the tray to Lily.

" Thank you." she said as he put the tray on her lap that was covered with a blanket.