Young And Immature

" Are you okay, Anna?" I heard Alex asking me as he entered the bathroom. I couldn't reply to him and just vomited. He started to rub my back to ease me down, but, the strong smell of smoke coming from him was making me feel more uneasy.

" L-leave!" I struggled and vomited more. My eyes and throat started to burn like hell.

" I'm sorry, Anna. I know that it's my fault. I shouldn't have smoked. Please forgive me." he implored but I couldn't answer him right now. It was difficult for me to say anything. I wanted to tell him to leave me alone for a second because I can't stand the smell of cigarettes but instead of words, only vomit came out of my mouth.

" Anna, should I call a doctor? You are not looking good." Alex said and the limit of my patience broke.

" I just want you to get out! NOW!" I shouted at him. Honestly, I didn't want to shout at him, but, I couldn't control myself anymore.