Scarier Than Eating Capsicum

Alex finally went to open the door as I adjusted my hair using my fingertips. I looked at the door to see who has come.

" Are you guys ready?" I saw Kelly who was sticking her head inside the room to see me.

" Yeah. We were coming downstairs." I answered her as she stepped inside. She was looking so cute in her purple dress, just like a doll.

" Then I'll accompany you downstairs. Brother Alex can go ahead." she said to me and I looked at Alex. He made a pout like a child in front of me but agreed when Kelly looked at him.

" I'll be taking my leave then. Come down soon." Alex said and left the room.

" Hey, Anna! I have thought something." Kelly whispered in my ear from the back.

" What?" I asked, turning around to look at her.

" After Aunt Xin announces the wedding of Brother Graham and Penelope, I'm planning to give this to Penelope." she said and took out her phone. She opened her photo gallery and showed me a ring design.