Soon-To-Be Bride

" Why? Are you being shy?" Alex asked, not backing even an inch.

" A-Alex. Please behave. What if Mom or Grandma walks into us? Wouldn't it be embarrassing?" I said to him, consoling him in the best way possible.

" So what? We are a married couple. It's not like we are hiding our relationship with them." he said and grabbed my waist to pull me closer.

" Alex! Please let me go just now. I'll surely make it up tonight." I said as his hot breath hit my face. My heart started to beat really fast. Even after so many months of living with him, I can't be calm when he does things like this.

As I said my sentence, he quickly let me go.

" Okay. See you tonight then." he said and turned around to walk elsewhere.

I stood there like a statue, confused, and looked at his disappearing body. Why do I feel like he trapped me in my own words? Was he waiting for me to say this line?