Treating Your Wound

( Lily's POV) 

My hands went cold as sweat droplets covered my forehead. I remembered my first encounter with this type situation when I dressed as President and went to save Mr. Wilson. 

I tried to stand up so that I could run as far away as possible but my legs refused to do so. 

" What are you waiting for? Run!" I heard Senior's voice and I looked in his direction. He was just firing bullets like it was a 3-D survival game. 

" My legs are asleep. I can't." I half said and half cried. I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down. I slapped my legs multiple times so that it could regain its strength. A tear rolled down my eyes. I felt so vulnerable right now. It was worse than what happened to me in that isolated building. At least I wasn't traumatized at that time. 

" Ah!!!" I screamed as a bullet grazed my arm. Tears welled up in my eyes and I started to cry loudly.