Kill Myself

( Lily's POV) 

I was lost in my deep thoughts and kept sighing now and then. My eyes wanted to sleep but my mind kept on reminding me today's incident. 

After what seems like hours, I heard someone's footsteps. I quickly closed my eyes since I didn't want Senior to lecture me now when he sees that I am not asleep. 

" You saw DragonRoars?" I heard someone asking but it wasn't Senior's voice. 

" Yes. I followed him but lost him in midway when his subordinates came with a group of common people." I heard Senior saying and I get to knew that they were discussing about the incident happened in the alley yesterday night. 

" What about that?" I heard the other man's voice again. 

" She saw me killing those people." Senior answered. They were referring to me. 

" Better watch her moves. I will be out for a week. Anna will return after 3 days." he said.