Have a New Experience

( Lily's POV) 

" Mr. Wilson, I am not misunderstanding anything. I know that it's hard to believe but Senior confirmed my thoughts. I know that you all had believed him but he wants to harm. H-He even put poison in my b-body." I said as I again felt like crying and my heart constricted. I also trusted Senior and had never believed that he would ever hurt me.

" What? He would never do that." Mr. Wilson said while I shook my head in desperation. He still isn't trying to believe me. 

" He did. He told me when I threatened him that I will tell you all about his hidden motives." I said in a shrieked voice. My throat was hurting since I was had been crying for a while now. Before I could hear Mr. Wilson's reply, Senior snatched the phone and left the room within a second. 

I stood there blankly looking at the doorway. What should I do now? I want to live, but, how?