Diana Abbey

( Alex's POV )

" Where's Smith Evans?" I asked the ward boy incharge of the room where Smith Evans, Anna's father, was admitted. The room was empty and had been cleaned. 

" He was discharged a few hours ago. A middle aged woman came to take him, sir. You can get the details from the reception." he answered and pushed his trolly to move away. 

I dug my hand in the pocket of my pants and fetched my phone. I dialed a number but the person on the other side wasn't picking it up. I again dialed and this time Jordan picked up the call just in a few rings. 

" When is Sera coming here?" I came straight to the point. 

" She said that it will take her almost two to three weeks to completely shift her base here." He replied.

" Ask one of your men to help her shift her base. I need her immediately in this country. Anna is not going to company anymore and I want to add high level security in my house." I said to him urgently.