Never ending problems

( Alex's POV )

I pulled over my car in front of Jordan's camp and entered the building. Taking the first right, going where he kept the ones he interrogate, I headed inside the room to find it empty, only Jordan sitting on a chair, his hand crossed and thinking deeply. 

" Where's Sophia?" I asked him as his eyeball moved to look in my direction. He stood up from where he was sitting and started pacing around the room, thinking very deeply as lines formed on his forehead.

" She is in prison." He replied.

" Huh? You sent her to jail?" I asked him. How could Jordan send her to prison? 

" No. She surrendered herself to the police." Jordan said making me completely confused. 

" What are you talking about? How could she surrender herself so easily?" I asked him. It was next to impossible that Sophia would surrender herself.