Mistake and Mistake

(Kelly's POV)

The doctor and nurses checked me, applied medicines, and gave injections while my mind was busy thinking about what would I say to Kelvin when he would come to ask what happened today. I did such a stupid thing. Not even a child behaves as immaturely as I did today. I almost destroyed my whole life today and the fact makes me want to give myself a tight slap. 

After a few hours, when the people treating me were gone, I asked a nurse to send the man who brought me here inside. I was a little taken aback when she said that the man already left. Thinking that Kelvin must be busy with his work, I took my medicine and went to rest in the ward bed as suggested by the doctor. 

When I woke up, I didn't know how many hours must have passed. I saw a nurse standing beside the bed. 

" Excuse me, sister?" I called her. Her attention shifted to me. She approached me with a sweet smile. 

" Do you need any help?" She asked me.