
( Kelly's POV )

The night was cold but I couldn't care less as I walked down the road, my mind replaying each and every word said by Kelvin. Even though I made a mistake, he shouldn't have said about my parents. I have never wanted anyone's life to be in danger. Kelvin's words felt heavy on my chest. He blames me for all the mishaps. Maybe he is right, it is because of me. He is protecting someone who isn't related to him and because of that, people he cares about are in danger. 

I walked wherever my legs were taking me to. My cheeks and nose felt ice cold. After walking for several minutes, I felt tired and my feet hurt maybe because of all the running I did in the afternoon because of that fat man. I went and sat on a bench roadside and called a cab. I cannot go to Kelvin's house. I felt so hurt after he said all those things to me. I decided to go to Vance Mansion, now originally mine.