chapter 25 Uninvited Guest

Lin Xi chose to hide most of her beauty and glamour behind a disguise because revealing it might have gotten her killed.

Lin Xi haddecided to meet Zhang Jian and for that same reason she had ordered Bluebird to distract Cerberus in order to lead it away from the hut.

As planned, Bluebird came close to the hut and allowed its aura to leak slightly which immediately alerted Cerberus who came rushing out from the hut. It sniffed a few times and as if it had caught onto the scent, it went off in the direction of the Bluebird.

When Bluebird noticed the speed with which Cerberus gave chase, it started to get afraid since it was an Ascension Stage master at its tail.

Bluebird without wasting a single second started to flap its wings and used its maximum speed to fly away from the hut with the yellow dog at its tail.

It could not fly very high in the sky fearing that the dog might return to the hut. If that happened, it could only wait to die at the hands of its master.

Therefore, it maneuvered in between the tree branches which caused its speed to drop but was still fast enough to maintain the gap between the Bluebird and Cerberus.

Lin Xi was lying in wait and as soon as she saw Cerberus leave, she came out of her concealment and walked towards Zhang Jian's hut hurriedly.

She knocked on the door gently with her knuckles and waited quietly.

She heard some movement from inside the hut before the door opened and Zhang Jian stood in front of her pleasantly surprised.

It was the good and kind-hearted girl who had helped him out at the lake previously when he had gone out fishing for the Black Fish King.

"It's you. Thanks for your help last time."

"Yes, it's me. I couldn't take you up on your offer to eat last time. If that offer is still there, I would like to intrude upon your hospitality." Lin Xi giggled slightly and a sweet smile lit up on her face.

Zhang Jian was a bit taken aback upon seeing that beautiful smile of hers. Although he lived with Wang Yan who was herself a sky-toppling beauty, he had never noticed her in the same way.

"Oh please…come in."

"Sorry for barging in on you completely unannounced." Seeing as to how welcoming Zhang Jian was, Lin Xi put up her pretense and apologized seriously.

"No…no…no, it's quite all right. It's a shame that you weren't able to taste that black fish that we caught together. Let me tell you, it was absolutely delicious and you definitely missed out on it." Zhang Jian turned around and entered the hut as he was talking and indicated Lin Xi to follow as well. What Zhang Jian had missed was the change in expression on Lin Xi's face at the very moment he had mentioned the Black Fish King's fate.

Lin Xi thought that it was a warning for her to behave appropriately but seeing how easygoing Zhang Jian was she decided to ignore it as a product of her excessive cautiousness.

He had only just turned around when he found that Wang Yan was standing right in front of him.

"Master, is there a guest?"

"Yes, it's a friend who helped me out before. You remember the fish I brought for you before? She helped me out at the time."

As soon as Wang Yan saw Lin Xi walking in from behind Zhang Jian, her face grew a fierce scowl that made her look terrifying. She was infuriated beyond reason and her aura went berserk for a moment before she tactfully brought it under control. Despite her hatred for Lin Xi, she decided to heed the warning of not using her cultivation. Another reason she chose to keep it quiet was because Zhang Jian seemed to be treating Lin Xi like an old friend. Their relationship seemed to be quite good. At the same time, Lin Xi was horrified thinking that the reason for the horrifying end of her century long nemesis was just to get a delicacy for this girl living with Zhang Jian. Just how pamperedwas this girl!!

"This seemingly little hut is practically filled with monsters with each being more savage and more powerful than the last." Lin Xi thought in her heart while following behind Zhang Jian and decided to remain extra cautious so as to not provoke a calamity.

Both the girls were world-toppling beauties yet their temperament and demeanor was so different from each other.

While Lin Xi was destructively seductive, with a body that was extremely curvy coupled with her cold and detached demeanor, Wang Yan was the exact opposite of her with a charming but pixy-like attitude and a body that was well proportioned but not as curvy as Lin Xi.

"She is only a pretty-face. Not only does her body look like a young boy but she doesn't seem to have any qualifications in the brain department either. Otherwise Zhang Jian would already have been tied down by her."

"This slut dares to tarnish Master's home. I wonder why the master treats her so well as to invite her into our home. Is the master also interested in her? It's not as if I am lacking anywhere. Why does it have to be her?"

As both the women were hostile to each other, they naturally had to pinpoint the gaps in each other's beauty. As the saying went, there couldn't be two tigers living in the same mountain. Of course they only thought of these things in their hearts. Both of them did not dare to say such things aloud in front of Zhang Jian.

There was a small dining table in the hut which was used by Zhang Jian as a study table as well. He pulled a seat and asked Lin Xi to sit down before going over to the kitchen to bring something for her to eat.

"Little girl, why don't you accompany our guest for a short while. I will be done with the food in a few minutes." Zhang Jian said to Wang Yan in a light tone before moving towards the kitchen.

As soon as he left, the dining table turned into a warzone.

"*Hahaha…little girl, did I hear that right? Well it's not as if he is exaggerating. After all, with your boyish body it isn't wrong for him to say that."

Although Lin Xi was exaggerating by saying that Wang Yan had a boyish figure, it was an established fact that it was incomparable to Lin Xi's in all dimensions.

"A slut like you has the guts to say that to me. He calls me that because he is my master. My Master is a refined person and would never be interested in a vulgar and lust-driven fiend like you. If it wasn't for my master, I would have already cut you into a thousand pieces." Wang Yan retorted in a confident and overbearing manner.

" have grown fiercer. I wonder where all your confidence stems from since as I still recall, we were still evenly matched the last time we fought."

Although Lin Xi countered without any expression in a very laid-back manner, she was shaken up on the inside by Wang Yan's confident threat.

"It seems that you don't know...then let me broaden your horizons. Master has been teaching me his own cultivation method for a while now. I don't even know how powerful I have become as a result of that."