chapter 26 Standpoint

Wang Yan said in a pretentious and nauseating manner intentionally in order to further infuriate Lin Xi. This was just an empty threat to deter Lin Xi because although she had been learning from Zhang Jian, she hadn't understood the profundities of his cultivation method at all. Another reason was that she wasn't sure how powerful she had become since she wasn't allowed to use her cultivation at all while she was staying in the hut.

Her threat seemed to have worked its magic because Lin Xi's face had grown darker as soon as she mentioned Zhang Jian's cultivation method. Lin Xi was indeed terrified because Wang Yan had already been strong enough to hold her own against her. Now that she had received the tutelage and the cultivation method of Zhang Jian, she was bound to have progressed by leaps and bounds.

Lin Xi was immensely jealous of her good luck. She wondered what could have been the relationship between the Purple sect and Zhang Jian in order for him to favor this girl so much.

"Could it be that Zhang Jian was the Black Hand controlling the Purple Sect from behind the curtains?"

No matter how much she speculated she was unable to infer Zhang Jian's intentions in backing the Purple sect.

If she had known that Zhang Jian had only done this for what he thought to be fragrant incense then she definitely would have coughed up blood and fainted right at that spot.

As Lin Xi was still stuck up in her fantasies and Wang Yan was too busy sneering at her enemy, both of them failed to notice Zhang Jian coming out of the kitchen.

They immediately went on their best behavior. Both of them gritted their teeth, clenched their hands and started to converse politely in order to avoid angering Zhang Jian.

"You two seem to be getting along. Since you are both such good girls, I have prepared a feast for you today." Zhang Jian was subconsciously treating the both of them like little girls. If he ever came to know their true age, he would definitely be ashamed to say the same words again.

Zhang Jian placed several dishes on the table in between the now well-behaved girls. The scintillating dishes and the intoxicating aroma of the dishes was enough to make both the girls shed all pretense and all their manners in order to focus all their attention on gorging the heavenly delicacies placed in front of them.

Neither of them wanted to show their enmity in front of Zhang Jian but that didn't stop them from competing with each other over silly things making it difficult for Zhang Jian to see them in any way other than little girls.

For him, Wang Yan was a little slave girl who had been forced to work before she was handed over to him. He only wanted to help her learn some ways to survive on her own which was why he had been helping her learn how to cultivate crops.

As for Lin Xi, seeing her bickering over small silly things with Wang Yan, he lost the calm and composed impression that she had given him before.

Although he was oblivious to the magnitude and the cause of enmity between the two of them, Zhang Jian was still able to smell something fishy going on between the two. He knew that both of them were faking being nice to each other.

This made him slightly angry and an angry scowl appeared on his face.

"I don't know why the both of you are behaving this way but I want you both to really get along with each other."

Seeing how angry Zhang Jian was, both girls were terrified into silence.

"Wang yan, since you call me master you should at least have shown the minimum courtesy towards my guests and not have fought with them even if you considered them to be an eyesore. You can leave if you want."

Zhang Jian scolded the little girl severely. He thought that she needed to be taught a lesson since his excessive pampering seemed to have spoiled her a little.

Wang Yan felt very wronged and her tears threatened to fall but she forcefully held them at bay.

Zhang Jian had never scolded her so badly no matter how many times she messed up when he taught her something but he had chided her so harshly for Lin Xi. This made her resent him slightly but she didy want to say anything to him in front of Lin Xi.

"I am sorry for this little girl's misbehavior." Zhang Jian felt an apology was necessary since he was the host. Where he had come from, guests were always given the utmost respect no matter who they were.

Lin Xi was both afraid and embarrassed seeing how Zhang Jian had berated Wang Yan and had even apologized to her on her behalf since it wasn't only Wang Yan who had been behaving childishly.

She dared not accept an apology from such a powerful master especially when she had been equally at fault.

She took these words to be a warning from Zhang Jian and all her mental faculties left her for a moment before she recovered her wits and answered while shaking with fear.

", you don't have to apologize at all. I was at fault too. It should be me who needs to apologize. I am sorry, please excuse my rudeness."

Zhang Jian saw that Lin Xi had admitted her fault as well and immediately felt a bit better.

Zhang Jian knew he had gone a little overboard in the way he had chided Wang Yan and decided to make it up to her later.

Since both the parties had apologized, the atmosphere became cordial afterwards.

Wang Yan continued to take small bites all the while ignoring both Zhang Jian and Lin Xi who had been chatting away happily throughout.

Wang Yan barely said a word throughout the rest of the dinner and tried to focus on her food solemnly. She didn't want to show how wronged and jealous she had been feeling at that moment.

After they had finished their meal, Zhang Jian got up to tidy up the table but he was pushed down by Wang Yan who got up and took the empty dishes away.

She came back after a while with a tray in hand and handed out tea to both Zhang Jian and Lin Xi before going back to do the dishes.

In fact Wang Yan had only been doing this in order to get away from the suffocating atmosphere at the table.

"Can I ask you something if it is all right with you?" Lin Xi asked apprehensively.

"Well, feel free to ask and I will answer if it is convenient for me."

"I know that with how profound your cultivation is, either side would have offered heavens and earth in order to bring you to their side. I want to ask whether you have chosen a side already, that is whether you are already working for someone or if you have any intention to do that in the future."

Zhang Jian thought that Lin Xi wanted to know whether Zhang Jian was self-employed or worked for someone else.

Without thinking for a single moment, Zhang Jian blurted out that he wasn't overly interested in working for someone else.

"I only do what I want to do. I pursue my interests and live an idle life without having to answer to anyone else. I like to fish, draw and cultivate in peace without being bothered by anyone."

These words were said with some force since Zhang Jian thought that Lin Xi was trying to recruit him.