Entry to the Null

The envoys arrived exactly three days later, the day before Theo's father was supposed to be discharged from the hospital. 

Two semi-armored knights and a carriage. The faces of the knights were covered in similar helmets as Visaelis.

Large- magnificent crimson carriage. A carriage, driven by a horse-like creature with silver skin and brilliant radiance!

It also had armor on.

As Theo feared the invite was only for Theo and Emily and no one else, not even John or the saints.

Just the two-

"I can always just summon Skully in case of an emergency so-" So that's how he tried to calm down John.

They were all outside the mansion, in the garden.

Voli, John, and even the saints were here.

No one from the Black family was here, but some were watching over the thing from the sidelines.