The tour

The imperial palace was big.


And filled with a lot of things that could kill humans almost immediately.

The only reason Theo and Emily were still alive- was because the knights and people around them made an active effort to keep them alive.

"This is the execution room," Visaelis led the duo to the first room.

But for how long- no one knew.

A large room with no apparent end, ceiling or even floor.

Just a black endless place.

And loads, and loads of instruments.

Guillotines, axes, strangling gear- and a whole bunch of things that Theo didn't even know how to make sense of.

Frankly- even in his nightmares- he didn't want to see them…

"Execution?" Theo spoke, nervously.

Why'd she bring him here first thing?

Because he rejected her?

Yeah, beads of sweat formed.