
It all started on a fateful day, as Salvadors Slava watched a certain actor act or rather, was about to see her act. After all that's why he came all this way to-

"Sally, get yar act together, where heck is my tea!"

"Right away sir!"

A large tray full of cups and tea.

Salvadors- the skinny boy in a flashy unbuttoned shirt, held the tray as best as he could but it shook anyway.

There were a bunch of people in suits around.

  All drinking tea.

The shoot hadn't begun yet and the actors were also chilling out in the open.

Morning- rays were bright and comfortable.

Some white fluffy clouds- moderate grass- and a pleasant breeze. The perfect day to shoot a fantasy scene!

"Here you go sir," he said, barely able to control the tremors.


An exaggerated sigh. "Worthless, don't bother coming back tomorrow," Just one sip and the man dismissed Salvadors.

Apparently, he mixed in salt instead of sugar…
