Sabotage: Why?


"How could this be!"

A white room.

The office of a certain company president.

"It would seem we have far underestimated them." The voice came from the faceless man on the screen.

No one else was in the room- no one was permitted to.

Grinding- "We? Don't you mean, you!" The bald company president glared. Pointing fingers and everything. 

"Me? Oh, did you forget you were the one who helped them to what was it- 'because it wouldn't be boring?'" Chuckle, loud chuckle.

A bit more grinding but the bald man couldn't just make an argument either. "It's not too late. We clearly have a better film. We have to market ours better. And bury theirs beneath the rest."

The had more budged and better actors. Great scripts and directors.

