

A place of brightness.

Lots of white.

Lots of bright.






"What the hell is this?"

In front of Theo- was flatlands.

Flatlands stretching beyond his field of vision and who knew just how far it went,

Ever since he came to this universe- everything had been more or less just surprising.

First the odd sensation- then the emptiness and now-

To come here- this universe- Theo had to travel through the blackhole at the center of his universe and use it to slingshot past several other universes to this one- the supreme verse- home of the so-called gods.

When the Neo Ainmester first entered the event horizon and things went ballistic, everyone even the R.I thought this was it. After all- their initial warp had failed and now, they were basically just being dragged into the core of the blackhole- the singularity.