A new life

Saying goodbye was always a pain. But in a world full of wonder and mystery- it was only the norm.

Which was why-



After a whole new adventure- making friends- and finally regaining some vigor- set out on a journey; a brand-new adventure.

He didn't know much about the world, let alone the disease or what happened to Alice but-

But there was only one way to find out.

And so-


Ha- ach- Achoo!

But the mist was too much. 

And saying goodbye?

No, it wasn't a goodbye. It was more like a situation Gain was running away from. 

And the journey?

Getting out of the hospital and searching for a way to get off this planet-

So yeah-

Not the adventure he was seeking for-

But an adventure regardless.

The only problem was-

Whenever he was taking a breath- the mist was burning everything there was inside him-

And it hurt…