Greed: Even better

Gail, planet-hopped quite a lot.

Enough to confuse himself, let alone his trackers.

Then again, after almost four months till he woke up- the fact that the central had yet to find him did make him question whether they'd given up on him or not.

'But they didn't seem like they would…' Or maybe they were still on his track but just not caught up yet…


By some odd coincidence- Gail landed on a planet-

A theater planet of sorts full of mystery, cameras, and…banks.

And why was the last bit necessary?

Because Gail was standing inside one.



"Hands up people!" The large bulky man with the mustache demanded. 

And they were robbing one.


To answer that-


It all started on a fateful day-

Gail landed on a planet-

A planet full of theaters, cameras and banks.