To survive perhaps

Through some miraculous wonder- Gail found himself on a set.

And he even got to enjoy a minor role.

The manager from the bank introduced him as a beginner actor who was just looking for some work but due to some misfortune, lost everything and didn't even have an ID anymore. A very, very farfetched idea yet- the people offered to renew an ID for him. 

Which was… a headache to say the least.

Gail had to revive a completely new character- namely Gailorn Blenn… a guy who was supposedly living in the central for about 300 years but got ejected just last year… It was not an easy task, no. But apparently, as long as you had money and connections- anything was possible in this world. 

All that pain aside- he acted.

He acted as a waiter on a beach house and his acting wasn't bad.

A natural- he was described as.