
-Draco's POV-

Draco was walking back to the dungeons when he heard his name.


He turned around but was completely alone.

"Save me."

It was the voice from last night. Croaky, hollow and thin.


"Who's there?" he whispered.


"Who are you?"

But he didn't get an answer.


It sounded like the voice was coming from above so he started climbing the stairs.

He threw a glance at all the portraits hanging on the walls but it was so dark, he couldn't tell whether it was one of them talking to him.

"Draco, please."

The voice was still so far away so he kept going up, sneaking like a shadow. If he stumbled over Snape again, he'd have to explain himself. And how could he possibly explain this without the professor doubting his sanity?

"Open the gate."

On the seventh floor, the voice suddenly sounded a lot closer and he started walking down the corridor.


No answer.

Draco started feeling frustrated. Why was he doing this? He could have just went to bed, instead he was running after some dumb voice that couldn't even send a clear message.

"Come find me."

'Wait.' He turned around and walked back a few feet.


He turned to the nearest door. It was Flitwick's office.

The boy leaned his ear against it.

"In here."

This was it. The voice was loud and clear.

But how could he get into the room? A simple spell to unlock the door wouldn't work, Flitwick probably secured it with a protection charm, just like any other teacher.


That voice. What if…

He needed to find a way in.


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Montague bellowed at Bletchley. "This was the THIRD TIME! In a row! Are you BRAINDEAD?"

The Slytherin Keeper seemed a bit rattled from the insult. "I was just-"

"I don't CARE! If you miss one more, you're OUT."

Draco rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms. Montague and Pucey had spent the last twenty minutes throwing Quaffles for Bletchley to catch.

Something was off with the Keeper, he was playing like he had never sat on a broom before. And Monatgue's threat to throw him off the team didn't seem to help either.

Of course that was just hot air, they had no time to find a new Keeper. The first game against Gryffindor was in less than two months and they were far from ready. The fact that Pucey, Crabbe and Goyle were new to the team really didn't help either.

"Can't we play properly?" Pucey asked.

"How can we play if this git doesn't even know how to protect the fucking rings?" Angrily, Montague threw a Quaffle with all his might at Bletchley's crotch.

Ironically, he caught that one.

"Don't talk about me like I'm new!"

"Then fucking act like you're not!"

Before he could die of boredom from hearing the two squabbling like kids, Draco got on his broom and flew up. He stopped right between them.

"Before we waste anymore time with whatever it is you two bog rolls are doing, let's split up. You two continue with your bullshit while Pucey and I play Beaters."

Montague shot him an angry glance. "Didn't know you were captain, Malfoy."

"You prick, you have two Beaters on your team that have never played before and all you've been doing the past weeks was ignoring them. Let them fucking practice!"

Draco rarely stood up for his friends but he really didn't want to lose against Gryffindor.

"He's right," Pucey said. "They need to start playing."

"Fine. Do what you want."

Draco rolled his eyes but then went to get a bat as well as a helmet and release the Bludgers.

Usually he wouldn't let a helmet ruin his hair but since he wasn't experienced as a Beater and didn't want to end up in the Hospital Wing with a concussion, he decided to swallow his pride.

The two iron balls flew into the air and both immediately shot towards Crabbe, trying to knock him off his broom. He somehow managed to hit both, redirecting them towards Draco and Pucey.

'Alright. There's some hope at least.'

The four practiced for a while. Occasionally one fell off their broom but overall it seemed to work alright considering none of them really 100% knew what they were doing.

Meanwhile, Montague kept screaming at Bletchley who just ignored his insults, looking beyond annoyed.

When the captain announced that they were done for today, Draco felt like everyone had made some progress and left satisfied.

He took a cold shower and changed back into his school uniform. Looking into the mirror, he noticed that he now had a scratch above his eyebrow and groaned. But there was no time to sulk, only half an hour separated him from his next class.

Draco hurried to the castle and up the stairs. He took three steps at once and was out of breath when he finally reached Flitwick's office.

He went over his plan again and then went to knock. Right at that moment, the door opened and a Ravenclaw stepped out. He looked at Draco with a raised eyebrow and then walked away but not without turning around once more, curiously.

"What?" Draco asked loudly. The boy hurried away.

He knocked on the door.

"Open," he heard Flitwick so he entered his office.

The professor was just putting a book away and looked at the Slytherin surprised. "Mr. Malfoy! How can I help?"

Draco knew that he couldn't stand him and was just too polite to admit it.

"I need to talk to you."

"Would you like to apply for the Frog choir?" Flitwick joked as he sat down.

"No, thank you."

The boy went over to the empty chair when he heard something to his right.


The voice.

He threw a quick glance in the direction and spotted a cabinet. Whatever was talking to him, it must be in there.

"So, what is bothering you?"

Draco sat down and Flitwick leaned back. He smiled warmly, as he always did.

"It's because of Y/N."


"I think she is having a very hard time settling in and finding friends. And I don't know how to help her."

Draco felt slightly bad for pulling Y/N into this, especially considering how he hadn't even told her about this but he knew that Flitwick liked her.

The teacher raised an eyebrow. "I'm sorry to hear but why did you come to me instad of talking to your Head of House?"

Draco huffed. "Not to disrespect Professor Snape but he isn't really the type of teacher you go to with personal problems. And in addition, Y/N likes you. You might be her favorite professor."

Y/N had never said that but it made Flitwick smile. "That is nice to hear. Your girlfriend is a very bright young lady and very pleasant to talk to."

Draco tried not to groan. "She is not my girlfriend."

"Oh? Why not?"

Okay, this conversation was going in the wrong direction.

"I…let's not get sidetracked. Do you know what I could do to cheer her up?"

"Hmm." He tapped his chin as he thought. "She is probably missing her family. Moving so far away can be tough on someone, especially a teenager. Has she been talking about feeling homesick?"

"She doesn't really talk about her parents."

"Maybe because it's too painful?"

Draco shrugged. "Possibly."

Flitwick's eyes lit up. "I might have something that could help. Wait."

The tiny professor got up and hurried over to where his sleeping quarters must have been. He disappeared behind a door and immediately Draco jumped up and walked to the cabinet.

He tried to open it but of course, it was locked. He pulled out his wand.

"Alohomora," Draco whispered and it unlocked with a little 'click'.

He opened the cabinet. It was filled with books and papers and…the Eye of Time.

He stared at the pocket watch, his heart started beating faster.

"Draco," it breathed.

He quickly grabbed it and let it slide into his coat before he closed the door again and locked it. "Colloportus."

Not a second too early because just as he sat down, Flitwick came back.

"Found it!"

'Me too.'

Draco tried to look unsuspicious as Flitwick walked back to his desk. He put something down in front of Draco.

The boy looked at a glass disc that was shaped like a fish eye.

"What is this?"

"It works somewhat similarly to the Mirror of Erised. It shows you a person you miss and if your desire is strong enough, you can talk to them. It works with pets as well."

Flitwick smiled but there was some sentiment in his eyes. "I use it sometimes to talk to an old friend of mine who sadly is gone already."

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright. That was a long time ago. You can give it to Y/N, I'll let her borrow it for a little bit. Maybe it will help her. I bet once she feels closer to her parents, she will have an easier time opening up and making friends. What do you think?"

Draco looked at the sphere. "It's worth a shot. Thank you." Suddenly, he felt somewhat bad for lying to him. But just a tiny bit.

After all, the end justifies the means.

Flitwick put the glass into a linen bag and handed it to Draco. "Just try not to drop it."

"Have you ever seen me drop something?"

Flitwick smiled amused. "Right. You're a Seeker. And quite a talented one at that, am I right?"

"If that's what the people say, I won't argue with it. I should get to class now."

"Of course."

Draco walked over to the door with the bag in his hand but just as he opened it, Flitwick called him back.

"Oh, Mr. Malfoy?"

He turned back around. "Hm?"

The professor folded his hands. "I know it's none of my business but I once was your age, believe it or not. Y/N is a good girl. I think she could have a great influence on you. Don't miss out on that."

Draco felt the heat shoot into his face. "Alright. Thanks again."

"You're very welcome."

He left the office and rushed down the hallway, cursing under his breath.

That was embarrassing.