The captive with whom they had been talking was named Migus. Hudson had chosen him to wake up because of his conical cap, which was taller than those of the other five gnomes. Hudson said he had guessed the larger hat designated Migus as the leader, which turned out to be true.
After being freed of their bonds, the gnomes sat in a circle and reluctantly ate a fresh pot of Durri's stew. They seemed hardly able to believe they were still alive after attacking the party, but eventually accepted the situation.
After all, everyone knew what kind of crazy people adventurers were. It was apparently easy for them to believe that a few insane people would happily trudge into an underground civilization for a shot at killing a vampire overlord.
Not that the gnomes had any faith in the trio's odds of succeeding. Durri had told his allies about the sunlight potion in a low voice, so the gnomes would not overhear, and did not share the knowledge of his secret weapon with the ex-prisoners.