
Chapter 35

"Do you think Paul will be furious with Kade when he learns he shot me?" Ruby asked, holding her strawberry blond hair out of the way as Crystal rubbed iodine over the stitched wound.

"I think he'll be too busy being furious at your criminal behavior."

Ruby harrumphed and leaned farther forward on their couch exposing more of her back.

True, they were criminals. Their dad had tried to do the right thing, make the police understand, but they only believed the evidence from Westridge.

The decoys Crystal and Ruby took from their victims, so they wouldn't know their computers had been tampered with, filled the uncles' off-site warehouses and safes. The stolen property would be returned once Westridge and his board were arrested. She'd rather they just donate it all to charity. Crystal relished the thought of the day they would have the evidence to take away Joshua Westridge's freedom, his prestige, and most importantly, his power. Just as he had taken it from their dad.