Volume 1

What happened after Narcissa appeared in my room could be called a lot of words, but the closest thing would be the concept of Chaos. Worried about her son, the mother started such a stormy activity that, already loaded, I finally got lost in this maelstrom of events.

Almost a dozen different magicians filled the whole room, and I was slightly surprised to recognize most of the healers present… Yeah, of course, I knew that the Malfoys were very rich and quite influential, but I still didn't think that Lucius would invite so many diverse specialists to his estate. Oh, yes, the only heir.

The generic curse of the Malfoys kills the second child with one hundred percent probability. And let the same curse allow those to have an heir with exactly the same probability, but only one. It is quite natural that Lucius cares more for the life of his heir than any other parent. However, this concern is not caused by parental feelings…

But not about that now. It was much more important to focus my attention on the numerous healers who were now scanning my body in almost a dozen different ways... and this worried me. You never know what these esteemed elders can find. Still, the merger with the horcrux could not pass for me without a trace. Yes, it did not pass, it's another matter how much these elderly and not very magicians will be able to understand.

Hopefully not too much. Even though I am still the same Draco, it is simply impossible to refute this, but such drastic changes in my magic can cause quite obvious questions. And something did happen to the body. I didn't really understand what exactly, but my memory was clearly telling me about some kind of wrongness…

And I was also somewhat ashamed. Let the medical doctors are not the people who should be embarrassed, but the fact that such a number of people witnessed my embarrassment ... confused and even infuriated. These feelings became especially vivid because of the inability to calm down. The excitement wasn't even going to leave my body, and baby Tomi was still striving to pierce the heavens.

Yeah, in some incomprehensible way, this problem has absorbed all my attention. I was so ashamed and embarrassed, especially because of Narcissa's rather strange looks at me. Yeah, it's been a long time since I've felt like this... although no, I've never felt like this at all.

Perhaps it was precisely because of this kind of emotion that I did not notice the very subtle and accurate scanning of my mind. Apparently, there was a fairly experienced and strong master of liglimentation among the koldomediks. I just couldn't get someone less experienced into my mind... well, or so I think. I'm not too sure about my skills. Nevertheless, they passed to me from me-Tom, I myself have not yet had time to test my capabilities.

But not the point, the main thing is that I did notice it. And therefore it is quite possible to deceive that. Moreover, the situation is developing very much in my favor. Very bright and intense emotions acted as an excellent shield for the rest of the memory and mind. A completely natural and powerful shield. Not everyone is able to get through this, just drowning in other people's feelings. And if they are also specifically directed outside, as well as enter into a "spontaneous" trance.

Yeah, but Tom was really a genius. Such an elegant and simple solution to a complex question simply would not have occurred to the past Draco. He did not have the flexibility and ingenuity inherent in the elder of Slizarin… But the intruder may not even understand that I am somehow defending myself. Yes, even I myself would hardly understand such a clever deception. Now the main thing is not to give away your real self.

Actually, that's exactly what I did for the next two hours. The magic doctors were doing something over my body, not letting Narcissa get too close. Yes, those and Lucius were quickly escorted out of my room, although he did not really resist. It was Narcissa who refused to leave me categorically.

An unknown mental magician systematically monitored my condition, but did not go deeper. It was obvious that he even got into my mind only to monitor my condition. Most likely, he is trying to understand how I feel and what I feel during the work of other koldomediks. I didn't bother him, finally realizing that without a very strict contract, Lucius wouldn't have let Merlin himself near me.

Yeah, if it wasn't for the wild boner, I might even have relaxed. Yes, the lack of magic familiar to me was somewhat confusing, but compared to the rest of the events of the past day, this fact is even somehow lost. And concerns about my disclosure gradually faded into the background.

Still, no one turned off my hearing. I listened to the doctors calmly and with some understanding. Even if Tom did not study coldomedicine purposefully, but having copied almost a third of the library from the room into his memory at will, he was not a complete layman here either. And the masters did not talk about something very complicated.

Yes, I frankly did not understand some points of the conversation, but I caught the main idea easily. Moreover, the main version of the healers was stupidly simple: a sharp stress awakened one of the ancestral gifts in the boy, most likely the metamorphism of the Blacks. And after listening to those, I could even agree with the diagnosis.

Both parts of my personality knew about the metamorphs from my mother's family. Tom was looking for his way to immortality in this direction of magic, but he never delved into such a complex science. Without a pronounced gift, you can comprehend the basics of control over your flesh for decades. Draco, on the other hand, knew the history of related births perfectly well…

In general, yes, both my personalities have heard about metomorphs. And Draco knew perfectly well about the potential daughters of his family. And even if he personally inherited exclusively the legacy of the Malfoys - hereditary healers and potion makers, even if they specialize in trading these very potions, but why would it not happen that when merging with a horcrux, the blood of the Blacks made itself felt?

And let it be quite difficult to test this theory. Awakened gifts are always more difficult to develop than those that you have from birth, but it will not really become a serious problem. A few weeks of meditation and even untalented Tom achieved something. Yes, in a few months of practice, he had just learned how to change his voice, and even then he didn't really understand how he did it. But he had a certain base, and therefore the check will not take long to wait.

That's just all these magic doctors will leave my room, and my mother and father will calm down a little, and it will be possible to start experimenting. Yes, experimenting and learning something new has always helped me to calm down and collect my thoughts in a heap.

I hope this feature will not disappear from me. I don't want to be torn between my desires and need. And I have only one desire now – to deal with my own magic and the legacy of my donors. I have very, very many needs. What is socialization worth in this time and in this family… Talking about something more mundane, like a boner in underpants, is not worth talking about.

Without having dealt with this "small" problem, it is simply impossible to proceed to something more. I just won't be able to focus on anything until my body calms down. Even oclumency won't help me much with this problem. Despite all my efforts, my gaze kept slipping in the direction of Narcissa and another rather young witch.

Yeah, here's another problem to worry about. A terrible mixture of kinship feelings, lust and simple sympathy, as for a person who cared about me, promised to complicate my relationship with my new mother many times over… But I'm not used to holding back my desires. In this regard, Tom and Draco showed amazing unanimity.