The doctors occupied my room for three long hours. Respected... masters, yes, masters, continued to spin over my body for a long time, but in the end they came to some conclusions of their own, prescribing a course of potions and allowing me to be alone with my new mother.
To say that I was somewhat unprepared for such a conversation is to say nothing. Not only did the excitement not want to pass at all into any, but the woman herself seemed to notice it. The situation turned out to be quite embarrassing... something I am very much and often embarrassed for this day. Apparently, Draco's absolute lack of readiness for something like this crushed even some of Tom's experience.
And the excitement itself... well, I didn't remember ever wanting sex so much. Usually, everything happened much calmer and more natural. Moreover, the guys from the senior courses in the second year explained the policy of Slizarin as a faculty regarding all this. Yet absolutely everyone goes through puberty. Well, it's not worth going crazy because of this and reading the honor of the faculty. So the older guys then taught the stupid kids how to properly deal with their own needs.
Usually it all came down to "buying" a girl from senior courses. Yes, there were some at Hogwarts, even if they could not be recognized in a crowd of ordinary people without a tip. But there were other options, for those who didn't have money or had too much squeamishness. Tom didn't have any money, but he was squeamish. That's why he went on a somewhat more complicated path – to enchant the Muggle-born girl from Gryffindor, and use that one. Sometimes the girl from the Gryphendor was replaced by the same one, but with a Pufenduya, but this did not change the essence. Talented in mind magic, the guy had all the fun with his toys, never getting caught in the hot. And he didn't leave any hints about his "unworthy" behavior.
Draco didn't have all this experience… But there was a wild and persistent desire to attach your pod at least somewhere. Although no, Draco has never had such a desire, but I have from the very first minutes after waking up. It's like I've been drugged with aphrodisiac. Although the latter is still unlikely. Rather, my body reacts to extreme stress in this way. Well, or Draco had all the rudiments, so by the age of fourteen, to turn into a real sex machine. It was just because of me that it happened a little earlier.
"How are you feeling, Draco?" Narcissa asked me gently and gently, sitting down on my bed. Such unusual intonations for me caused a wave of goosebumps along my spine, and my friend invitingly twitched under the blanket. Strangely, my mother's soothing and soft voice had exactly the opposite effect.
"S-strange. I didn't even try to hide the tremor in my voice. Narcissa herself saw what state I am in now, and therefore it would be stupid to deny the obvious. It's easier to pretend to be a child who doesn't understand anything and listen to a lecture or two from his mother than to pretend to be too knowledgeable. And it was even too easy to play the chosen role.
Yes, Tom was a great actor, especially when his life and well-being were suspended from it, but somehow I didn't think that such a trait would be cut through in me. Draco had too much of an obvious antipode to such skills. The hot-tempered boy didn't even always manage to keep his face, not to mention something more. But since childhood, he was taught acting and "ordinary" influence on people.
- It feels like the whole body is burning, and in ... in-in the groin it hurts. And the bracelets make the skin tingle unpleasantly. I said in a slightly tearful voice, tracking the woman's reaction. Apparently, she believed every word I said. Great, I'm doing my best to play the role of Draco. He would have reacted the same way in a similar situation… Yeah, playing the role of the person you actually are is something new. But not to say that it is too simple.
Despite the fact that I knew literally everything about Draco, but it was quite difficult to restrain some of the behaviors of myself-Tom. And all because I consider myself Draco Malfoy, just with a slightly different skill, experience and outlook on the world. And these changes tried to break out of me, to show themselves to the world.
But I held back. To breed unnecessary doubts in my mother, which is my ally in the absolute majority of cases, unless it concerns Lucius, whose supremacy she does not even try to challenge. Apparently some kind of contract. It would be very disappointing to lose such an ally. And it was really easy to do it. Women have always had some kind of intuition of their own, which worked on people dear to them much more often than they would like. So Narcissa can still feel something.
The next two months were worth being as careful as possible. Sudden changes in behavior were contraindicated to me. But to smoothly show your true nature, you could try. No, two months of summer will not be enough for this, but it was still worth starting. It's after Hogwarts, closer to Christmas, you could come back a completely different person, and such changes will be perceived much more gently.
Yeah, without Tom's acting skills, my life would have risked taking a very dangerous turn.
- There's nothing to worry about, my baby. This happens sometimes with adult boys. - The woman smiled gently at me, calming my "mask" a little. - I'll explain to you later what it is and how to deal with it. And I'll tell you something else ... - The woman surprised me, but I didn't show it, showing only a bit of expectation. I remember Narcissa loved to mess with her only son. Many disciplines ta taught Draco on his own. And the boy liked it.
That's just her desire to explain to her son such a slippery topic ... it would be better if her father, well, or some kind of teacher, took care of it. A woman explaining to a boy about the peculiarities of sexual life somewhat unsettles me. And thoughts, again, all sorts of different things come into my head. Damn excitement!
Our further conversation could even be called normal. During my examination, I managed to calm down a little, collect my thoughts in a bunch and even sketch out an approximate plan for further actions. So it was pretty easy for me to talk to Narcissa. To be honest, I was even surprised by this, but the part of me that passed to me from Draco's past helped a lot.
And the excitement somehow faded into the background. When all your strength was spent on controlling your own body, voice and face, even an open broken liver will stop bothering you. Yes, the penis did not want to fall off, even after a certain clearing of consciousness from everything superfluous, but these are details. The main thing is that my "acquaintance" with my new mother was quite on the level.
My old Draco mask proved itself perfectly, and I added a few additional points to my plan. Still, the attitude towards Draco before and after the recent incident was very different. Even the eternally strict and selfish Lucius showed some attention to me, apparently rejoicing at the increase in my "value", what can I say about my mother. She was now ready for almost anything.
I just hope that this attitude will continue for some time. It will be unpleasant if I literally lay down my advantage. The doctors prescribed me bed rest for the next two weeks, as well as a gradual weakening of the bracelets blocking magic.
What could have been worse... at least they didn't reveal me. And the father, apparently, did not understand what was the reason for the recent incident. Probably, he simply did not know about the essence of that little black diary… just like his son.