Volume 1

I spent the whole of July and part of August at the Malfoy family estate. They didn't let me out of the word at all, not even letting me out into our garden. And if the first two weeks, when I was lying down after the incident, were quite clear and simple to me, then this golden cage began to strain. And it would be fine if the reason for such caution was at least somewhat serious, but no.

The father just decided to play it safe, checking the metamorph's gift manifested in action. Yes, the gift has really awakened, even if not to the extent that the doctors predicted. Instead of a powerful gift that reacts to any, even the slightest, my desire, I received a completely controlled gift to feel my body and influence it with my magic. A rather vague explanation, but I didn't know how to explain my new body sensations. There was not enough vocabulary to describe his own feelings. Well, or they haven't come up with the right words yet…

But back to our sheep, in the person of my father. Lucius was categorical in his desire to protect me from any society, until I could prove that I had taken my gift under control. You see, I could disgrace him with my "childish" magic by showing up on the street. No, he would have let me go to Hogwarts anyway, but I had to devote the whole summer to mastering and controlling my sudden acquisition.

The key word here is "should". It was something too much for Draco's past to get used to new abilities and powers in a couple of months, but I did it in record time. To be honest, I didn't even need teachers who didn't really understand the topic themselves. Tom-me's knowledge was enough to take the gift under control, and I have already taken the first steps to a completely new horizon of abilities.

Such progress was somewhat confusing to my teachers and mother, but everything was attributed to the peculiarities of the gift. Lucius didn't even raise an eyebrow, watching my progress. At the same time, he not only managed to keep his face, he really did not understand what was so amazing about it. Actually, after such oddities, I realized that my father was not a very strong magician. I suspect that after Hogwarts and the mandatory program for any pureblood magician, he did not study anything new at all. Somewhat disappointing, especially against the background of Narcissus.

Oh, May's mother was not only a strong sorceress, which even ordinary magicians felt, not to mention me, but she also did not give up her own development even decades after graduation. I don't know where it comes from in her, but as a sorceress she is two heads superior to her father. He is more of a politician and a huckster than a really talented wizard. Although he was still a head taller than even quite talented Muggle-borns. Centuries of breeding were not in vain for him, and the mandatory program for heirs greatly elevated him above other cattle.

Although in my opinion, he was quite mediocre as a magician. Many of my fellow students were about at his level of strength and knowledge, although I'm not sure about the latter. What can I say about me-Tom. A rootless orphan, even if he did not have extensive ancestral libraries, but the magical potential of me-the past was head and shoulders superior to even the most talented classmates. Well, after finding a room at will, the problem with knowledge was solved. It's just a pity I didn't find anything in the secret room.…

In general, yes, my father disappointed me even more. And he added a lot of self-hatred. Still, it turned out to be a real test for me to lose the freedom that I was used to, Tom, and excitement added to my nervousness. Yes, after the first days it receded a little, under the pressure of my will and magic, but not to the end.

Every morning I was greeted by a stone boner that did not fall off even after a couple of hours of manual labor. And if he still managed to calm down, mainly with long meditations and mental practices, then within two hours the problem returned again. I could not find the reasons for such a strange situation for quite a long time, especially I was confused by the fact that I could calmly change my facial features, but I could not calm my penis. As it happens in such cases, the answer came by itself.

The generic healer, after the next session of my examination, noticed something strange and incomprehensible in my aura.

There was a commotion again, my mother was already ready to drag me to Germany, where she had a friend of a master of healing, who would even take a fee from friends. But it wasn't necessary. After a couple of hours of exploring my aura, the magic doctor decided that the main curse of the Malfoys in me had weakened. No, it has not completely disappeared, I can still make only one heir… But the heiresses…

Yeah, a strange twist of my own magic, but I was even glad. I-Tom didn't have any curses. And if there were, then too strong childish emissions simply washed them out of me, even before they had time to gain a foothold in the aura. To receive such a gift from Draco was somewhat insulting to me. There was a feeling that I had sunk to the level of all those freaks who poisoned me in the first two years of study. He also became the bearer of a kind of stigma of generic curses.

And even though I didn't get rid of my "stigma" completely, I liked this progress, too. Only two things marred my joy. Wild libido as a side effect of the new curse. I feel that upon arrival at Hogwarts, I will get myself some new toys almost on the first day. It is quite possible that permanent… The second problem was the father again. Lucius was practically salivating when he found out about my situation. Yes, and the father's too calculating views began to strain him so specifically. He'll probably make me a breeding stallion to create offspring.…

Not a very pleasant prospect… although the hormones bubbling in my blood fundamentally disagreed with me. The very thought of having sex, even though it was constant and with more than one partner, made me really hurt in my underpants. I feel that if this curse does not weaken with time, I will fuck the floor of Hogwarts, and then I will go beyond its aisles…

It's not that I don't like the prospect. A strong magician can really afford a lot, my Alter Ego proved it by example, but I don't really want to become a rabbit. If I give myself completely to lust, then sooner or later death will come to me. Whether it's old age or enemies, which I will certainly make for myself, Potter alone is worth something, but I'm going to die anyway... And that's scary! I don't want to die ... something brings me, apparently the personality of me-Tom makes itself felt.

Although not the point, the main thing is that I really don't want to become a stupid animal living just for sex. I want to live a really long, preferably eternal, interesting, and most importantly comfortable life. With eternal life, I already have some developments, even if the horcruxes did not justify themselves, but my gift of the metamorph gives alternative ways to solve the problem. And Albus no longer puts pressure on the brain, pushing for certain actions.

My interest in life is already secured. A person with my desires simply cannot live a boring life. Still, my Alter Ego has traveled half the world for a reason, the thirst for new experiences and knowledge has been strong in me since childhood, despite living in an orphanage. Yes, and he went into politics for a reason, I fell in love with feeling my own power over others while I was still the head of the faculty.

Things were much more complicated with comfort. No, my inheritance is enough for me for more than one century of luxurious life. Once Lucius disappears, I can start squandering the family's funds. Saving money, as my father does, is not for me. What is the point of this, if the Dark Lord at one time calmly used our funds for his own purposes, not caring too much about the opinion of the Malfoys themselves. It is a very revealing moment that personal strength means much more than some worldly goods.

But not the point, anyway, these funds will soon be mine, Lucius has already become a problem for me, and therefore I simply have to help him with a ticket to the next world. Another thing is that this moment will have to wait, and not everything can be bought with the money of the Malfoys. If I don't want to get dirty with ordinary whores, then I should take care of the selection and education of a personal staff of servants on my own…

Yes, these are exactly what I will do in Hogue… And you can start right tomorrow. Having proved to my father my ability to control the gift, I still got the opportunity to go out. Tomorrow I have a meeting with my squires and the "bride". And let the atmosphere on Diagon Alley always irritated me, but after several months spent in the "golden cage" I was glad of such a prospect…