Volume 1

- Yeah, but I never got to Daphne. - A little melancholy, I drawled, getting into the carriage that is pulled by thestrals. Yes, I really didn't get to my fiancee, having spent half the way in the compartment of two freshmen. I was too interested in the Moon, which had completely incomprehensible abilities to me, but she noticed mental activity at once. And Ginny, who accompanied her childhood friend, was only slightly less entertaining. Still, it's the first time I've gotten this close to a blood traitor.

In general, the title of blood traitors appeared not so long ago, and its meaning is much more prosaic than many aristocrats think, and Muggle-borns too. Perhaps the new generation has forgotten the true meaning of this word, but at the time of Tom's training, such information is still heard…

Why am I doing this? Yes, to the fact that the same Weasleys are not much different from the Malfoys, whose curse is actually more terrible than many. The only difference is that the Malfoys were cursed by their enemies, and the Weasleys were their own relatives, which is why the curse turned out to be somewhat stronger. But judging by the family itself, their curse does not bother them too much, rather the very status of blood traitors spoils their lives. Reputation-with.

So what was so interesting about the younger Weasley? The answer is simple and banal – the structure of the curse was completely unique. I didn't even understand what exactly it was doing, but it was most likely due to the fact that it was "sleeping" now. I don't know under what conditions it is activated, but even studying the very stigma of the curse gave me something to think about. Still, I was well versed in dark magic, and therefore I could easily distinguish traces of such magic…

In general, yes, Ginny was quite an interesting model for research. And the girl herself was not too negative towards me. Yes, like any Weasley, she didn't really like any of the owners of my last name, but she didn't have any personal reasons for hatred. The girl didn't even know that I was the main enemy of the Potter she adored. Well, at least they let me into the compartment easily enough.

Another thing is that the only daughter of the Weasley family dropped out of the conversation almost immediately. Too abruptly, Luna Lovegood captured my attention. Yes, and I was able to interest the girl in something. She herself called this something "calm, but angry, brainwashers", but I was more and more inclined to think that she somehow sensed my emotions and thoughts. Well, or some mixture of these concepts. A strange ability that promises girls a lot of problems. Magicians have always destroyed strange and not like themselves creatures. And the Moon, well, did not look like an ordinary sorceress at all…

Yeah, it was the girl's strangeness that made me sit in the same compartment with her for almost three hours. I even managed to get hungry. But the results of such a pastime were quite interesting. And no, I couldn't figure out what was wrong with Lovegood, but I started some kind of relationship with her. Yes, and the neutrality of the little Weasley can be useful to me ... purely for bullying the Potter six.

But this is all so, the little things of life. I was much more pleased with my own diary. As it turned out, even after the "eviction", some connection remained between us. I could still mentally enter text into it, and I noticed any changes in it at once. But only when it was within walking distance. As the distance grew, the connection was lost. But I easily fixed it by simply feeding the diary with magic, trying to distract the Moon with conversations. Fortunately, the girl did not see magic, and therefore I had to hide exactly what intentions. Quite a difficult task, but I coped.

Why do I need all this? The answer is banal: I was interested to find out why my father even threw this thing to a little girl. The diary itself has already lost most of its functionality after I left, so I was not afraid to be caught in connection with a dark artifact. He can't even reproduce memories now, and after all, for the sake of this function, I killed a whole bunch of time in it ... well, rather, it was Tom who killed a lot of time to create a diary. I just inherited his memory and feelings.…

No matter. I wasn't going to spoil all my father's plans if they didn't overlap with my plans. And I have no plans for Ginny. Well, seriously, what plans can I have for Ron's little sister, that's exactly what no. At most, I can make fun of a stupid Gryffindor, but no more. But with the Moon, the conversation is already different. She was able to interest me with her gift. And this is not just a naked interest, but rather an opportunity to get some benefit from this acquaintance.

While I still haven't fully decided what exactly I want from Lovegood, but I was sure that she could be useful... if she didn't become too dangerous, of course. A unique gift, I hadn't even read about it before, so also related to mental magic, was dangerous in itself, but in the hands of the Moon… This girl was almost impossible to predict. Maybe she's not crazy, but there is a certain amount of madness in her. And such people are the most dangerous opponents.

That is why it is better not to offend the moon. And don't let them get too close to you. You never know what she can decide for herself by watching me. It's better if he considers me his good friend and does not meddle in my affairs. Yes, this option will completely suit me…

- And how these carriages move. - A small and thin voice came from somewhere on the left carriage, pulling me out of my own thoughts. In the darkness of the night, I couldn't figure out who exactly asked the question. But the voice seemed vaguely familiar to me... it doesn't matter. I didn't want to engage in conversation with the next carriage anyway. And talking to ignoramuses... is unnecessarily exotic entertainment.

"Don't they see the Thestrals?" Pansy asked me, a little surprised, apparently tired of sitting in silence. After returning from the freshmen compartment, I was too thoughtful and quiet. In this state, it was impossible to get to me, and now I, as it were, paid attention to the outside world myself…

- Most likely Maglocks. I chuckled. - Who else in our world can ask such stupid questions? - I decided to keep the conversation going anyway. Among the current purebloods, the humiliation of Muggle-bloods was considered something like good form. Most wizards from noble and just decent families could almost spend hours talking about this topic. And I was more than logical in my conclusions.

Even if not every family, even if they are noble, conducts rituals over their child, which allows them to see such "invisible" monsters, but even half-breeds are forced to study the bestiary of the British Isles by heart. No one wants his child to die because of his own stupidity or ignorance of certain dangers. Well, in this bestiary, thestrals, and indeed any monsters that are found in the vicinity of Hoag, occupy almost most of the book. It is not at all surprising that most of the students know perfectly well who is taking them to Hogwarts. Only Muggle-borns and outcasts like the Weasleys stand out from the general crowd.

By the way, I saw the Thestrals just fine. And it's not even that I saw death. I just haven't seen death, it's Tom who has visited everyone in his life. The thing is that the Maofoi just belonged to the category of families that carried out all the rituals important for the child.

In this regard, I-Tom could only envy Draco. The last time I learned about these rituals was only in the third year. And to spend them on myself... until graduation, I never finished performing the rituals. Some of them were too complicated for solo performance, some did not have enough money, and some even needed to be carried out before the first magical release.

Yeah, I'm even glad that it was a child from a noble family who took my diary. Even if it would be easier for me to get rid of unnecessary control from my parents in an ordinary family, at least to arrange a kind of riot for them, but consider that there would be no benefits from such a family. Yes, my fate turned out very well. It remains only to remove the leash from the neck…

Well, I don't want to obey the head of the family for the next thirty years. Before this period, my father is unlikely to retire from business, and I simply will not be able to disobey him. No, it's not like that, I can resist, but not for very long ... once baby Draco decided to see the Muggle world, having escaped from his own friends into a leaky cauldron.

At that time, his idea even succeeded, he really saw the Muggle world. That's just that he didn't have time to explore it. Several "conscientious magicians" dragged the boy by the scruff of the neck to his father, who locked him up in the manor for several months. And it seems to be a normal situation, this is exactly how a strict father should punish his stupid son for wrongdoing…

That's just the efficiency of "conscientious wizards" suggests some thoughts. And when walking with friends, I always felt something unusual… Apparently, surveillance really takes place. And where there is surveillance, there is complete control... and I still don't remember about my own role as a puppet in my father's plans. Infuriating!