Volume 1

The new academic year at Hogue has begun… from the scandal. No, the welcome feast was quite normal. There was some commotion and confusion at the vulture table, but this is their standard behavior, so they attracted no more attention than usual.

That's just the next day everything changed somewhat. In general, not everyone is subscribed to the daily prophet, but the main news newspaper still flashes in the hands of students with amazing frequency. It is not at all surprising that the latest news became known to absolutely everyone even during breakfast. And the news was even worse.

Potter and his six have learned something incredible again. Well, how incredible, Arthur Weasley's enchanted car was stolen. And their hijacking was filmed on a magic camera by several magicians, and at the same time several hundred Muggles left this moment in their memory. in general, our hero has funny adventures…

But seriously, someone else could have been expelled from the Hogue for such an outburst. It was Potter and his friend who got off with the usual work-outs, but no one would forgive such antics to ordinary wizards. It would definitely have come to court, and where there is a court, there is an exception. This is Potter and Weasley, we have thieves, one is a celebrity, the second has a father who occupies not the last place in the Ministry.

In general, yes, the guys got off with a slight fright and a howler from Mrs. Weasley. Although it's a sin for me to complain. I would be responsible for such an outburst in about the same way – working with my godfather, and a couple of angry letters from my father. No one would have gone for more. Another thing is that I am perfectly aware of my happiness, but Potter… The boy did not realize that he got off even too easily, continuing to be indignant.

Well, it's none of my business. I had enough to do without Potter. And no, I didn't rush to implement my plans too much. There was still plenty of time. Initially, I wanted to achieve some everyday comforts for myself. It's difficult, you know, to make grandiose plans, under the noise of my squires' conversations and Blaise Zabini's inarticulate babble, always reading something on his bed.

Fortunately, I knew all the spells necessary for a comfortable life perfectly well. And there weren't too many of them. A couple of silencing spells, a bit of transfiguration and a spell of small expansion of space - that's the key to the convenience of any self-respecting wizard. Yes, the enchantment of space expansion is quite difficult to master and use, without eternal transfiguration, it would take a long time to collect anchors to hold the enchantment. But it's still worth it, it's cool to make a real room out of your small corner with a bed and a nightstand. Actually, I was engaged in the arrangement of a new territory, under the envious and surprised glances of neighbors.

The rest of the plans didn't bother me much at that moment. The only thing I really decided to take care of is establishing a relationship with my fiancee. Carefully, without rushing things and keeping time, I gradually tried to help the girl get used to me, to my presence. The sorceress herself was clearly not happy with the relationship imposed on her, but she was not going to go against the family either.

Daphne was a smart girl, she understood my intentions immediately, which was why she was furious at first. For three days, she almost literally ran away from me, hiding behind her own sister. But in the end, she calmed down a little and began to perceive my attention a little better. I'm sure it was not without the influence of parents here, but it is understandable. Without our parents, this relationship would not have arisen at all.

Last year, I frankly didn't care about the blonde girl who preferred not to get into the inner kitchen of the faculty. She did not claim my rights as a leader, and did not even challenge those, she did not show any desire to be friends or cooperate… The girl generally behaved quieter than water, lower than grass. Only a couple of acquaintances from the faculty from Ravenclaw testified to some kind of social activity of the girl. I suspect that the hat offered the girl exactly this faculty, she did not differ too much from the ravens in her behavior.

And I even liked it. Be Daphne a kind of bitch that tries everyone around, and especially her fiance… It would be difficult for her. I would definitely not bend under the brat, but she could withstand my pressure and "training" with great difficulty. So the character of the girl completely suited me. A few years of getting used to each other and she can become such an ideal wife for me... just like Narcissa for her father.

Thinking about my own mother made me get excited again... yes, my curse has not disappeared anywhere. My friend continued to bother me every two hours, no matter how I tried to crush myself with unnecessary emotions and feelings. No, mental magic helped a lot with this problem, but the excitement still let me go only in moments of strong concentration and tension…

And I learned how to use it. Yes, not immediately, but after the first two days in class, I came to the conclusion that with intensive spell practice in class, I feel quite well. The boner does not try to tear my pants, and my thoughts do not slide towards naked undergraduates. Another thing is that there wasn't much practice in the classroom, and my knowledge and skills were enough for the current program.

No, a few simple spells have appeared in new textbooks, but this is just a drop in the bucket. And the theory in the same textbooks has become much less. I had to get out of it, trying to work out wandless witchcraft unnoticed. It didn't work out very well. It was almost impossible to conjure without a wand for too long, and if you also disguised yourself ... the brains were trying to leak out through the ears.

But there were still advantages from such self-torture. Firstly, the excitement still let me go after such stresses, although my friend still fell off rather reluctantly. Secondly, skills in mental magic, or to be more precise, in occlumency, grew at an amazing rate. I have never had such spurts in my own development before. That's what the right motivation does to a person!... And thirdly, skills in wandless witchcraft really grew, as well as sensitivity to magic and its control.

I even began to rejoice at such progress, regretting that I had hardly paid attention to "free" witchcraft before. I thought that was just a useful trump card, for which it was worth trying, but it would be stupid to devote myself entirely to this particular trump card. Well, since Draco had nothing to do with wandless magic at all, he knew almost nothing about it, then Tom's position became the main one for me.

It was only when I approached this facet of my abilities on my own that I realized what a mistake Tom had made. After all, it is in free magic that lies the key that opens the way to real power. It is the practice of wandless spells, so far light, mainly those that we are given in class, that allows me to develop concentration, mental power, as well as the strength and volume of my own magic. Develop it much faster than I do with normal training. Even metamorphism didn't affect my development as a magician so much, although that one can't be called particularly simple either.

In general, my training plan has shifted somewhat. However, for the rest it remained almost unnoticeable. I spent most of my training sessions right in pairs, since I had the opportunity and motivation. My somewhat exhausted state after these classes was attributed to adaptation after the summer holidays, and my fascination with somewhat specific literature on wandless magic and some sections of transfiguration, I didn't even have to explain.

On Slizarin, it was not customary to get into other people's hobbies if they did not concern others. And my interest in studying rather exposed me in a favorable light. Even Daphne began to treat me a little more tolerant, after the "declassification" of my hobbies… But this is all so, the little things of life.

I was much more concerned about my own development. Still, the example of me-Volondemort was very indicative, and here I was also able to find the path to my own power. It is quite natural that I focused all my attention on this. It was really scary to miss your chance, lose the right thought or be disappointed in your own conclusions.

But so far, so good. Constant training bore fruit. My skills gradually improved, and my reputation grew. I showed myself only from the best side, and even I began to exhibit periodic altercations with Potter as part of my own hobby. After that, even the upperclassmen began to look at me with some respect. I was completely satisfied with my life.

I was especially pleased when my conclusions were supported by real results. Less than two weeks of training in wandless magic exceeded the results of my usual training by almost three and a half times. And the excess of a match into a needle, performed by me without any wand…

Yes, after such an outburst, I almost crashed into the hospital wing, nosebleeds are not too normal. But it was worth it. Understanding that even transfiguration can be performed without a wand greatly spurred my progress in developing my own gift. Still, it's not for nothing that smart people considered metamorphism to be one of the early transfiguration. These two sciences are really connected, and very closely.

In fact, it was the "sensitivity of the body" that was not enough for me to master metamorphism in the past. I don't know what to call this feeling more precisely, but I'm sure if Tom had been a little more persistent, if he had overcome a certain wall, everything could have worked out for him…

After such a discovery, I even wanted to test my own skills again, suddenly there are similar "nedobitki" among them, too. But I was forced to leave this idea for later. The selection for the Quidditch team has begun, and my problem has become particularly acute. It was necessary to relieve stress, and I did not find any candidates for toys…

As always, I found a way out of the situation in the most unexpected place.