Volume 1

- Hush! I whispered with my lips, pressing Xiao Ning into the wall. "If you don't want us to be discovered, you'll have to tone down your voice. - I added rather excitedly, without ceasing, nevertheless, to actively move my hips. The excitement was too strong for me to just stop like that. Even the triggered singalong, notifying me that someone had entered our corridor, did not stop me.

And yes, today I had a very special sex right in the hallway of Hogwarts. Moreover, not somewhere out there, in the secret corners of the castle, but quite a visited corridor. And there was still time before lights out, even if not too much, so the students passed here with enviable regularity. And to be honest, it was somewhat uncomfortable for me to do this in such a place... but Xiao Ning's behavior quickly tried me on with reality.

The girl was too excited. And no, the Chinese woman was not an exhibitionist. Or rather, it wasn't really her... the girl was aroused not by someone else's attention, but by the danger of detection. It was so exciting that Xiao Ning didn't even try to hide it, actively squeezing me and trembling all over. And when someone passed next to us... the girl did not come from this fact alone. By the way, only my skills in transfiguration and charms saved us from detection.

Closing myself with a thin veil of transfigured stone that repeated the structure of the castle walls, I diverted the excessive attention of random passers-by with charms. An extremely effective method of disguise, but there are also disadvantages. Loud sounds instinctively attract people's attention. Here the simplest charms of distraction will not help. And I'm just not capable of anything more complicated right now. Strong excitement clouds the mind no worse than another drug, and without a clear mind, complex magic is simply impossible.

Actually, because of this feature of my charms, I tried to shut up a girl who had gone too far. Moreover, this time the spell worked too much, which means that the passerby is quite strong magically this time. Most likely, one of the professors is coming, and they are definitely able to recognize my charms without even trying too hard. I wasn't going to doubt my teachers, especially since I used almost childish charms. Yes, they were simply filigreed, and I had a general disguise at the level, but this does not cancel the prostate charms. The same Snape will easily figure me out.

- He croaked. I moaned, pressing my partner even harder into the cold wall of the castle. She hissed indignantly, but noticing the horror of the dungeons with her peripheral vision, she immediately subsided, trembling slightly in my hands from fear and excitement. It seems that the Chinese woman could not even realize the whole situation, just being afraid of an evil teacher. But unlike that fool, I knew exactly what would happen to us if Snape discovered us.

And this realization somehow gave me strength. Even the old clarity of mind returned to me despite all the excitement. And that's what helped me get out of the situation, abruptly knocking Xiao Ning to the floor and falling on her. Transfiguration immediately helped me create a small niche in the stone, and the most powerful illusion perfectly replaced transfiguration, for which I no longer had enough strength and concentration.

Transfiguration of the stone, which for centuries was fueled by the magic of the castle, well, to be more precise, the natural source on which Hogwarts stands, was too energy-intensive even for me. Although I still have something to be proud of, the townsfolk believe that it is impossible to penetrate the walls of the castle with transfiguration at all…

- Got through. I whispered softly, realizing that Snape had walked past us without paying attention to the slightly increased background of magic from the charms that had just been dispelled. Really lucky. As far as I managed to find out, Snape was almost paranoid that he was able to pay attention to details that were completely invisible to an ordinary magician. Perhaps my godfather was too busy not to pay attention to something like this? Perhaps. - Damn... - I breathed out, realizing that the Chinese woman was finally steaming into nirvana. Trembling slightly and quietly writhing in orgasm, Xiao Ning literally milked me, bringing me to the verge of orgasm.

It didn't turn out very nicely... having lost all the excitement, I somehow didn't even feel the full charm of orgasm. But there's not much time left before lights out... and it's not recommended for me to be late for the living room right now. Snape took the situation with Flitch's cat more than seriously, forbidding students of my faculty to wander around the castle after lights out. No, there was a similar rule before, but it only worked so-so. No one checked the presence of students after lights out, now Snape did it, forcing too freedom-loving students to grind their teeth… Including me.

- Get up. I snapped, lifting the girl by the hair. Not that I was really angry at her, but such behavior was quite appropriate at the moment. Bringing a girl to her senses with softer means would simply not be in my style. And I wanted to return some of the excitement. And then the penis is worth it, but the desire to fuck a Chinese woman is kind of sluggish. - Suck it. - Really starting to get excited from the disheveled look of the girl, I ordered.

And Xiao Ning obeyed, having long been accustomed to following my orders. And the girl did not feel any negativity towards blowjob, taking it for granted. Well, or is it again the twists of the Chinese mentality. She was too used to playing the role of some kind of victim that fell into the hands of such a bad me. In my opinion, she even began to enjoy her position, even if she continues to get a little mad because of my behavior. But it won't last long either. I can already feel how she finally gets used to the role of my toy, gradually becoming the one in reality.

- Interesting. A calm and melodious voice rang out from behind me, making me shudder all over. "Does it hurt her?" - Looking directly at the tear-stained face of the Chinese woman, a familiar girl with an unusual hair color asked ... completely ignoring my furious and tense appearance.

- The moon. I growled softly, recognizing an old acquaintance. A familiar one that somehow managed my singalongs, and even now almost without being felt by my charms. - How could you approach me unnoticed? - Tracking every movement of the girl, I asked, simultaneously forcing Xiao Ning to continue swallowing my boyfriend. Despite the ambiguity of the situation, the last thing I wanted to do was go to bed unsatisfied.

- The lock helped. - Gently smiling, the girl replied, continuing to look with interest at the half-naked me. Xiao Ning tu was almost not interested, being considered almost a part of the interior. That's just I wasn't deceived by the cute appearance and the absent-minded look of the girl. Even if I didn't feel the lie in her words and actions, but the crows don't get really stupid... - Can I? - Interrupted my mental monologue, the girl, forcing me to tense up even more.

Her question was too unambiguous, and her look was interested. And her answer only raised even more questions than it answered the ones I already had. Coupled with the fact that the girl herself was still very weakly felt by my charms, the tension in me only increased… Until a stream of sperm hit the throat of a Chinese woman, and I staggered a little from a momentary weakness in my legs.

- no. I said hoarsely. - Little girls don't excite me. And your answer doesn't suit me either. - Pointing the tip of the wand at the girl who is unnerving me, I said. Luna's smile faded a little, making me tense up even more. I don't know why exactly, but this girl ignited the fire of emotions in me more than anyone else. At the same time, these emotions carried a negative color rather than anything neutral or even light.

"...And if I tell you more?" - After a few seconds of thought, asked little Lovegood. "For example, how exactly I circumvented your charms. The girl's eyes flashed, confirming my suspicions. She really was quite smart and quick-witted, but these qualities were somehow lost against the background of the strangeness of the girl herself. And I was also afraid to get into her head. The main scourge of all menatlists are crazy, and the Moon looked very much like one of them.

"No," I said firmly, releasing Xiao Ning. The Chinese woman looked at the moon with too frightened eyes. He's going to bite me off something. Well, purely out of fear and excitement. - You don't excite me. I flashed my eyes, putting one of the most complex diagnostic charms on the girl. - Yes, and I already have some ideas. I smiled, getting colder inwardly. What I found... the magic of the natural spring, on which the ancient castle was melted, wrapped the little sorceress in a dense cocoon, hiding her from any spies. It was almost impossible to find her on the school grounds, and she, in theory, should just feel every nook and cranny of the castle perfectly.

- Let her excite. - Ignoring my last words, the girl pointed to the Chinese woman who had already begun to recover and was now glaring at the first-year student. And there is a drop of contempt in her gaze... apparently, Luna's reputation at the faculty leaves much to be desired. Well, or is it Xiao Ning who has already managed to get acquainted with this monster…

- We'll talk about it in a couple of years. I replied dryly, putting my clothes in order. - Well, in the meantime, you will answer my questions. I smiled sweetly, chasing Xiao Ning away with my gaze. I don't need her help anymore. I found something really interesting so that some fifa could distract me from the subject of my interest.

- Is this a deal? - The girl asked, continuing to hypnotize my groin. At the same time, I saw that my words reached the girl, but she decided to change them a little… Well, let it be. I am not a virgin girl who will refuse sex to the detriment of herself. Moreover, a couple of years is a fairly extensible concept.

- Let it be so. I nodded, getting ready to learn something really interesting… Well, finally making sure that Lovegood is insane… Well, or is it her gift that has such a radical effect on her consciousness. It doesn't make any difference to me. That madmen, that owners of rare gifts, all one. They can come up with or create something simple that more than one adequate wizard will never think of…