Volume 1

The conversation with Luna dragged on for another half hour. Despite the fact that Lovegood really answered my questions very honestly, but the concepts with which she operated drove me into a stupor. And here we are not even talking about the familiar Nargles and Brainwags, which I already had the honor to learn about during our acquaintance at Hogwarts Express. No, this time the girl told me about her feelings, driving me into a stupor with picturesque descriptions ... it's unclear what.

As a result, I only realized that the Moon is insane precisely because of her gift. I can't find another reason why her usual and ordinary feelings for others turned into something that the Moon tried to explain to me. And I didn't really want to climb into the memory of this sorceress. My skill might not be enough to fence myself off from someone else's madness. And it is, as they say, contagious.

In general, yes, the interrogation of the girl did not yield results. But I didn't despair! I still had a chance to figure it all out. Moreover, the Moon is within walking distance, and she is ready to cooperate. It remains only to get a memory wash to view other people's memories. This artifact will definitely allow me to dig into the girl's memory without going crazy. It is not clear only where I can dig up this artifact.

There's definitely no one in the rescue room, Tom checked. No one will allow me to take the artifact from the ancestral estate. I am not allowed to dispose of the Malfoys' property at all, except for the money that Lucius gives me for pocket expenses. So the question of the abilities of the little Lovegood is still open. Although I understood its capabilities a little more fully. Although I still don't understand how she was able to "hide" with the magic of an ancient castle, but I now know for sure that she feels this very magic much better than me.

Yes, and with the "Brainwashers" of the girl it became a little clearer. Well, as it is clearer, I was finally convinced that they are somehow connected with emotions. Well, or with magical surges in the aura that occur while the wizard is experiencing strong emotions. I can't explain in any other way her desire to have sex with me precisely because of some Brainwash there.

In general, the Moon puzzled me a lot. But I considered it unnecessary to focus all my attention on her. The weekend and the dean are waiting for me ahead. Severus Snape recently hinted to me about a personal training session with him this Saturday, which surprised me somewhat. No, he had studied with me before, but usually these classes were limited to potions. Now it was almost about full-fledged classes in combat and dark magic. Well, or I misidentified my godfather's hint, which is also possible…

Naively I thought exactly until Saturday morning. Interrupting my legal day off right after breakfast, Snape, using a one-way communication spell, informed me about the place of the upcoming training. At the same time, the potion maker did not even give me time to change into a slightly more comfortable form than a student's robe. Well, that's what he thought.

I, using Tom's knowledge of the secret passages in the castle, easily managed to run to my apartment in order to change clothes. Still, it is much more convenient to train in a Quidditch uniform than in closed and bulky robes. And a little warm-up, which was running through the corridors, before the main lesson will not hurt me.

In general, yes, I approached the assigned class, although out of breath, it would be worth doing my physical form, especially since metomorphism can help me with this, but in normal clothes. It's not for nothing that my mother bought me this fucking uniform for a game that I don't even play? So it came in handy.

- Draco. My godfather nodded to me, taking a sharp look at my appearance. And if, at the sight of the tracksuit, he only nodded slightly, then he did not appreciate my overall appearance. Well, tousled hair doesn't suit me, like the same Potter. - Catch your breath and let's start training. Severus said deceptively softly, flexing his hands with smooth movements.

I did the same, remembering the numerous sprains that Tom earned before he got used to the tooth-crushing pirouettes with a stick. And I didn't forget about the rest of the body. Due to the lack of magical power, Tom often resorted to dodging and sliding blocks during duels, and they, one way or another, require active movement of the whole body. Fortunately, strengthening with magic even my body will allow me to move on a par with a trained fighter... if there is enough magic.

- Have you been engaged in dueling? - Assessing my machinations, the godfather asked, to which I only nodded hiding my gaze. I keep forgetting that Tom Riddell's memory and experience don't match those of Draco's past. And where Tom's behavior would be considered the norm, Draco's behavior raises a lot of questions. Fortunately, I can compose lies on the go just fine. I already have an answer ready to which it is almost impossible to dig in, and it is quite difficult to check that.

- My mother studied with me. - I answered quietly, lowering my gaze even more, I said. - The truth is, I'm not doing very well ... - I added, taking into account the character of my mother. When it comes to training, she becomes a real devil in the flesh. I will never forget how she removed my nails in order to wean these very nails from biting. It was painful and very insulting, but even in these actions Draco saw more care than Lucius had shown in a whole year. Well, it would be more accurate to say that I saw it, Draco himself did not really love his mother, blindly worshipping his father.

- I see. Snape said dryly, clearly remembering something not very pleasant. I wonder what has already happened between these two that my godfather could not keep the small trembling of his body. But he never had any problems with mental magic, and here is such a manifestation of emotions. - It's good that you already have some foundation. And then Lucius recently asked me to study with you, but I had little idea where to start. Having regained some of his composure, the man continued, clearly hinting at a retelling of my capabilities. Well, I don't mind, especially since I've been thinking about something like this for a long time. Well, I can't show everything that Tom could do. Everyone will immediately have some questions for me... even the director.

"I know quite a few curses and battle spells. - I began not very confidently, continuing to act out the behavior of my own mask, which has changed a lot lately, but has not yet completely disappeared from my image. - I know how to use transfiguration to protect myself from the attacks I encounter and I dodge radiation attacks well. I added a little more boldly.

- Not bad, but I'll check your skills anyway. - Godfather nodded, not really believing me. Well, really, Draco doesn't look like a dangerous or skilled duelist at all. My figure is too fragile, my face is too pretty and my voice is too thin. And I don't betray my experience of duels in any way with my movements.

Flitwick's gait is ragged and springy. It seems that the little half-goblin is ready to jump almost at any second, watering a possible opponent with charms and curses. And Snape has something similar shining through. Only unlike the professor of charms, the professor of potions moves unnecessarily softly and quietly. He is like a snake that silently crawls across the cold floor of the castle, forcing everyone around to forget about his presence. It feels like my godfather has extensive experience in battles, and he was trained to glory... there is nothing like that in me, so the professor was deceived.

- Professor, why did my father suddenly bother with my training? I asked softly, trying not to arouse unnecessary suspicions. Still, Draco had never asked such questions before, bowing to his father's authority.

- This Monday they are going to open a duel club, and your father wants you to show yourself on the platform as a very skilled magician. - Snape sighed heavily, apparently remembering my father with a kind word. And I even understood him, it's simply impossible to teach a wizard something worthwhile in just two days… But Lucius, apparently, forgot about it, having become unaccustomed to active magic classes for a very long time. Sadly.

But the information about the duel club is worth remembering. An extra "bone" for Pansy will not hurt. It is unlikely that official information about the opening of the club will appear before this very Monday. No announcements are made on weekends. Simply because not all students attend the great hall these days.

"But stop messing with my head. It's time to start our lesson. Snape snapped, sending a beam of a paralyzing spell in my direction… that's why I went into my own thoughts at the wrong time!