Chapter 26: Tracking Her Down

Chapter 26: Tracking Her Down

Logan checked his phone, standing in his photography room. Gwen had never texted him that she had made it home safe and something about it set off his anxiety.

‘Why would she text you? You’re not even dating,’ he internally scolded himself, walking towards the garden to get his head straight.

There was no reason that she should text him. She owed him nothing. If anything, he had acted too possessive of something that wasn’t his. The fact of the matter was, she could pick whoever she wanted to be with. She was a free woman, and she was allowed to make her own choices. He could steer her one way, but it didn’t mean she had to follow.

He groaned and fell onto a marble bench beneath an ancient pine tree, throwing his head into his hand with his elbow pressed into his thigh. “I’m a complete idiot,” he grumbled and set his phone down beside himself, covering his eyes with his hands.