Chapter 25

Louisa just stood there, not understanding anything. What could Michael possibly mean by that? 'He couldn't be implying that...', she shook her head, thinking that this was complete nonsense in her mind. Michael was her cousin, and they barely knew each other. She turned around and went back to her desk to continue writing her letters.

Michael was already at the bottom of the stairs when Roger's voice sounded behind him.

"Office, Michael." The boy said nothing, just followed his father's orders, wondering why he was so serious. As soon as Roger passed by him, Michael started walking again and followed his father.

Roger opened the office door and held it open for his son to enter. Then he motioned for the young man to sit in the chair opposite the table and closed the door, then went to his own seat.

"Michael, I'm going to be very direct, here. What are your intentions with Louisa?" Roger crossed his hands on the table, looking at his son, waiting for his answer.