Begin Again

The wander : you throw your head back laughing, Like a little kid. Cause he don't need to aks. He feels no regret, he knows that will be recive back, becaus he must and they want to see it finish.

Chad: The greater the fear of losing or suffering. It's like reaching a peak and realizing how painful the fall can be.

Hors: It is an exchange that enriches life, but can also leave marks.

Nevermind will all be change. Forget the past. Its gone. And we only got the moment, is always like that. Could be good right know, why not to try just behave as a happy livingbeing.

It is an exchange that enriches life, but can also leave marks.

The "peak" does not have to be unsustainable. But living in search is synonymous with youth and primitiveness, pure instinct and the essence of nature. Live could be dream. And desire.

Chad: Being vulnerable is not weakness; it is authenticity. Allowing yourself to feel, even knowing the risk, is what makes us human.

The wanderer leave the island, be he is a predator, sweet, never mean, a ghost, more like just a director, but often a improve character. 

Why blame someone for something biological, fundamental for life to function perfectly. It is even good to catch a virus, to receive maintenance that promotes change and repairs. Avoid scams as much as possible, but one way to deal with it is to be transparent, what they do not know, being observed promotes security, it is perhaps even a sign of care and concern, some emotions and instincts are ambiguous and contradictory. 

Vampire, he cames from the artic. On the cave. At the midle of a desert. Hot. Sick: Perhaps the secret is learning to value the journey, not just the destination, knowing that each experience, good or bad, shapes and strengthens us.