Sailing the sea from backwards

It's always one push forward and three pulloff back. This is how "The Wanderer" did run away, or sail away the "Mermaid Island's". The secret wasn't in the path, but in how to perceive it. 

Besides, you must fool the place which has foolish you and trapped you, How? Taking a mermaid with you, because if she is with you the sea can't hold you back, exactly because you still attacheted in the spell of a mermaid, she still with you, but away from home, she got no power.

That little lady sittin' on the passenger side. Aesa'Es, is youg, and will be forever in his short life, mermaid live around forty laps around the sun.

"The Wanderer" needs her till some point, but not how she thinks. In fact, she will be more beneffit with all off that. 

There's a image in his mind, she from behind, her ass, but feels like the excitment comes from the chase, and have it, is not the point. 

The horizon tries, but it's just not as kind on the eyes. It's much less picturesque without her catchin' the light. Aesa'Es got a Barbarella silver swimsuit. 

"The Wanderer" thought about the possibility of she just might've tapped into your mind and soul. He's not afraid of what might has been happened. 

He is afraid off want more, he fears enjoied the moment, and begg for more. Switching position with his support, and becaming a slave from his desires again. 

Even so, is better try harder again and fall, rather then let himself down all the time. 

The boat was approaching an endless mountain the color of earth, cutting through the sea on the less pointed side of the boat, as it was sailing forward using the stern of the boat.

After all, to stabilize the ship in a straight line, it is necessary to leave the driver in the passenger seat and navigate using the eyes as a rudder, fueled by the heart. The natural survival instinct, which releases tons of adrenaline when feeling fear and the urge to escape.

Leaving the steering to the whim of the wind.

When Aesa'Es needs to shelter from reality, she takes a dip in someonelse's daydreams. She feel gulty for being the first Mermaid tricked and took away from the island.

While at the same time she looks the sunset from a diferente point of view for the first time in her life, and cries about how beuatiful is a life destinated to end, because everyday is a blessing, and unique. 

Aesa'Es: I don't know what you will do to me, or what will hapen with me when the boat leaves the "Mermaid's Island's" juristicion. But i want you to know... 

The Wanderer: Nothing will happen, I won't do anything. Sorry, but i must to use you, is not fair, but is how life goes all the time, people being used and using each other. 

This is good or bad? This is colaboration ou exploration. Society is better or worse, does any good for us? 

Aesa'Es: I'm pretty shure that, if i won't die passing the line, from that moment, i'll be like everyone out side that spell, i'll be ageing. 

The Wanderer: how you feel about that? When the sunset comes, you thing "One more day that i lived" or "One less day to speend" ?

Aesa'Es: Didn't think about it... but I know... My days end best when the sunset gets itself behind.