Trouble Follows

"You smell like you won't last for long here." Merk who was typing earlier drops the laptop, stands and walks towards me. " You don't look like you belong here? " She gives me a once over. Her eyes starting from my head, and down to my toes. Her brows raised as she looks at me.

Feeling her gaze on me felt as if I have insets crawling over my body. It makes me want to badly hit my body, but I resisted the urge to do so. I won't allow anyone put me down on my first day here.

" I might not look capable, but am quite capable." I said in a confident voice. My voice really sounds confident, but am no where near confident.

Am far from being confident, but there's no way they're going to know that.

"Oh. The new boy got some nerves." She smirks.

"Really?" Oak advances towards me, Kar following after him. "I bet five minutes into his work, and he'll run home crying to his mother." He frowns at me. "You're too fragile to work in a place like this."

"I say you run home now before it's too late. " Oak makes a shooing motion.

Don't cause trouble,

I tell myself, but it seems he's hearing none of that. Should we bow our head and act all submissive, they'll make my time here more painful.

" Bring it on. I tell you this, I won't leave here. Am here for as long as I want to. You just can't tell me what to do and what not to do." Frowning, I ball my fist. "I fear no one,not even your stuck up egoistical self. Bring it on, I tell you this, you'll never send me back." I lowly growl at them( or you can say I tried to growl).

Instead of being angry am trying to defile them, they smile brightly.

"Hope you keep up to your words." Winking, they leave poor old me, and return back to their previous task. One they discarded to bully me.

I tell you this, afflictions shall not arise a second time. Mate isn't here to save me from the bullies, and that's why am always acting up. I won't allow anyone put me down just for my petite size.

With nothing else to do here, I walk to the chair opposite the place Gor's doing his cleaning.

"Hi." I smile at him.

He turns to me, gives me a once over, turns back to his task and continued on with what he's doing. It's as if he doesn't tag me worthy of his time.

"Don't worry about Gor. You might get wrinkles all over your pretty face." Frowning, Rissa touches my face. "We can't let such beauty go to waste now, shall we?" She raises a brow.

"Am not pretty." I look down in embarrassment. My cheeks tingling pink at her words.

"Do you ever look in the mirror?"

"Of course I do." I give her a look that clearly translates into "Are you okay?"

"Then you're supposed to know you're pretty." She smiles. "I really love pretty cute boys like you are..."

"Rissa get back to work, this isn't the time to gossip with others." Merk says in a stern voice.

" And here comes the devil's incarnate." She murmurs lowly to avoid the said devil's incarnate from overhearing her words. "See you later pretty." Waving, she returns back to her task.


Three bloody days of serving drinks makes me want to eat up my words about staying here all through the time I want to be here.

Seriously, I thought here's a normal place just like the restaurant I worked in, but I don't know there's a great difference between restaurant and Bar.

The loud music is one; Had it only being this, I would have endured it, but that's not all.

The grinding bodies on the dance floor, the clubers making out in open places, and not to talk about the drunk male who tried to feel me up!

Let's say.... He got what he deserves *Sighs* Am so going to quit this job tonight.


"These are the orders from the vip rooms. You need to deliver drinks to them. Rissa showed you how right?" Clar raises a brow.

"Yeah, she did teach me." We both have to shout a little bit over the music for our voices to be heard. The loud music preventing anyone from hearing a normal conversation.

"Take this." He drops the tray on the table, and places the card of the room on it.

According to Clar, these vip rooms all have different strippers. Those in this vip( the rooms are just three) have to pay a very large sum of money to be able to enter the room.

For this, the only ones who enters the room are the wealthiest people. The billionaires and mafias all grace the rooms.

Most times, only a certain person books the room alone.

The dance floor are for the generals while the rooms are for those who thinks themselves well above others.


Carrying the tray of drinks, I sidestepped the drunk ones whose legs are carelessly tossed on the floors. Should a person not be careful, they might end up tripling on their toes.

Walking past the general people, I walk straight to the corridor that's being guarded by a bulky man. His eyes looks really formidable. A single look, and you're ready to confess your sins.

Seeing me approaching, he opens the door without any questions. I might have started work just recently, but most of the workers have all gotten to know me.

Not only for my petite look, but for my penchant of hitting a tray on anyone who dares try any rubbish with me.

I might be working in a bar, but that doesn't mean I take any rubbish. I take none from no man.

Should you try acting up, I'll show you not to mess with me.

"Looking good tonight." Jad winked. His eyes taking in my outfit tonight. Had he being one of the drunk people who patronize our bar, I would have shown him the difference between a call girl and a worker.

"Thanks." Smiling at him, I walk into the door.

"Be careful."

"I will."

Walking to the room am to deliver the drinks to, I knock on the door before entering. The tray of drinks balanced on my hand ( a trick I perfectly learnt during my waitering days.)

Like Rissa adviced, I kept my head down. My eyes looking everywhere but at the stage.

In Total, there are five males here. Each dressed in expensive suits.

They might look like normal people, but the aura they gives out is quite dangerous. It's as if there's danger lurking on their head at every turn.

These are the ones Rissa always warns about. She always advises I keep my head down as I walk. This way I won't be able to annoy anyone. These ones are not like those at the general dance floors. They have the power to crush a person should they so wish for that.

Walking to their table, I slowly drop the drinks on the table, and made to return, but a hand stopped me from doing so. His strong sturdy hands circling round my waist.

"Darling.." A voice breathes on my neck. Goosebumps materializing on my body from that.

"Let go of me!" I try to get out of their hold, but it proves difficult.

"He's a feisty one isn't he?" One of the other sitting on the chair laughs. "I love mine petite, Feisty and pretty, the boy's got it all."

The others laughs their agreements. Their eyes no longer on the dancer dancing on the pole, but on me. I can even see the greediness in their eyes.

Hearing their words and the looks on their faces made my heart skip beats.

No, I can't allow this!

Trying to get out of his hold proved abortive, so I decided to do what I know how best to do. I stumped on his feet, my action catching him unawares. Letting go of me, he howls in pain.

"I'll teach you not to mess with the wrong guy. " Hitting him with the tray I have in my hands, I run out of there before his friends can think of stopping me from making a clean getaway.