Your Worst Nightmare

I ended up returning back to work the next day. Don't blame me for that, blame the generous tips I normally get.

I have enemies here, but my friends are much more bigger than the enemies.

So far, I've gotten Oak, Kar Rissa, Cal and Merk have all gotten a little bit friendly. The Only one who's still suspiciously looking at me Everytime I pass is Gor. Most times I feel as if he's counting the days before I resign.

Sorry love, but am not about to give this job up. The generous tips are making me consider things.

Just three days, and I've earned more than I've ever earned since I started working. Jap whom I gave the earned money still looks doubtful of the whole thing.

I guess he doesn't actually believe am quite capable of lasting here for a day, talk more of five days.

To be really sincere, am only here based on the tips am getting. Had it not being for that, I would have long resigned.

"Heard the boss is coming in tonight." Rissa sighs dreamily. Her eyes taking on a Rather misty look. It's as if her body is presently here, but her spirit isn't here at all.

"The boss?" My heart skips beats at that.

Oh no.

Why will the boss appear after the five days I started the job? Why appear now after I've had thoughts about being here for a long time?

With the boss's presence here, I highly doubt I'll be able to last that much. Who knows, tonight will probably be my last night here.

I don't think it'll take the boss long before he discovers am not mapped out for jobs like this.

"Yeah!" Rissa says a little bit enthusiastic.

Currently, we're in the workers' changing room. This is our second shift for the night, and Rissa decided she wants to spend it in here.

I knew she's about to tell me more juicy news the moment she asked me to escort her here.

"Why are you acting this way?" I frown at her. My anger can be seen on my face.

I really don't know why a person that calls herself my friend is really happy at the news the boss coming back.

She might be ecstatic, but am not.

"You need to see him Lat...."

"My name is Laty." I frown at her. I really hate it when someone calls me the same pet name Mate calls me. It makes me feel sad.

Sad at the prospect I might never see that pairs of beautiful eyes ever again.

"Sorry about that." She lowers her head a bit before she perked up as if recalling something. "As I was saying, the boss is something else. I really haven't seen a person like him before.

He's handsome, wealthy, considerate, aloof, and always single!" She says in exasperation. " He's always looking lonely. His expression like the one you have on your face. " She turns her glare to me as if am somehow the cause of her problems. I won't be surprised if she actually thinks that about me. Who knows, she might think am the cause of the boss's. problems.

"What did I do? What type of expression did I make?" I raise a brow at her.

"Your face most times have that longing looks in them. It's as if you're actually searching for someone."

Hearing her define me so accurately made me eager to change the topic. I can't have her describing me this way. Its so damn unnerving.

"If you think he's handsome, and all that, why haven't he gotten a girlfriend?" I raise a brow as I perfectly change the topic from me and back to the boss. I don't need her to thread on unfamiliar territory.

"Like I said, he always have look of longing in his face. That's the reason why he haven't had anyone to date..."

"The boss is here!" Merk shouts, a flustered look on her face as she did so.

"Really!" Rissa stands immediately. Her eyes sparkling in mirth.


I sit still as I think on ways to avoid meeting the boss till he leaves. I really can't afford to lose my job tonight, not after I've boasted to Jap that I'll last here for as long as possible.

"He just walked into his office. He'll be back for some routine check." Merk says, her eyes equally sparkling with unrestrained mirth.

"I guess am out!" Making her clothes more presentable, she runs out not even bothered to check on poor me.

"What are you doing?" Merk frowns when she sees me still sitting on the chair. "Your shift is over, and you have an order to take care of." She says in a very light soft tone.

The boss is really bringing out the feminine side in them all.

Had it not being for my fear of losing my job, I would have loved to have a peek of the boss.

"Oh." Slowly standing to my feet, I walk out.


Balancing the tray of drinks I have in my palm. I start walking into the second room in the corridor..

After that incident of that night, I've specifically bribed Cal to never send me to the first room. This way, I won't be able to meet them.

"Your face isn't all that bright tonight, what happened?" Jad asks in concern.

"The boss is back." I don't see any reason to lie.

"Is that all?" He scoffs. "You don't need to worry about the boss. He's the best boss a person can ever ask for. Don't worry about that." Smiling, he ruffles my hair a bit.

" I hope so. " Carrying the tray of drinks, I walk towards the second room.

Taking a very deep breathe, I walk into the room. Just like I've always done since the incident, I've stopped looking at the men. All i do now is enter a room, keep my face down, place the drinks on the table, and leave.

I figured this is the best way to go about things. This way, no one will accuse me of seducing them with my eyes.

Doing what i normally does, I make to Leave, but my hands got held.

"If it isn't the same slut that hit me." Sneers a familiar voice.

Looking up in shock of his words and familiar voice, I widen my eyes in disbelief when I see who it is that talked.

"Oh no!" I try removing his hand on mine, but it proves abortive.

I trashed as I get ready for what I love doing the most.

"Hold on to him!" He orders those around us.

"No!" I shout and trashed as four males held on to me. My effort to escape seems abortive with the number of males holding me captive. It's as if am an ant fighting against a full grown human.

"I'll teach you not to mess with the wrong guy." He smirks. "Funny it's now my turn to say so." He runs his hand on my chest.

His action making me trash more.

"Stop shaking bitch!" He strongly hold on to my jaw.

"You're the bitch!" I spit on him.

"You dare!" He slaps me. The action making my face turn to the other side. "I'll show you messed with the wrong person." He sneers at me. "Lie him on the floor!" He commands the males holding me, and the did so.

Despite my trashings, they still managed to hold me down against my will.

"When am through with you, you'll learn your position!" He angrily tears my Clothes much to my dismay. His eyes greedily taking in my skin.

Seeing that look on his face made me really disgusted. I really can't believe something like this is about to happen to me.

The bullying I can endure, but not this.

"Don't you dare!" I try some more to get myself out of their hold, but it's too difficult to do so.

"I will dare!" He removes my trousers.

"Please." I whimper. Tears freely flowing from my eyes at the thoughts of what's about to happen.

I can't believe something like this will happen without anyone being aware of it.

Tightly closing my eyes, I resigned myself to my fate.

"The whore is now pleading. Don't worry, I'll show you a good time. I'll make sure you always comes back to me." He says Before tugging on my boxer briefs, and that's when the door Opened.

"What are you doing?!" I hear a familiar yet booming voice.

Hearing the voice, I still didn't open my eyes. I don't think anyone can help me at the moment.

"Who are you?" The man.

"Your worst nightmare!" He growls back. The words sounding really familiar.