
While Arius was enjoying his time, somewhere underground in the Kingdom of Darkness a major event unfolded...

"Duke Fay, Hajime, your youngest son has no mana or skills..." The old man hesitantly spoke while holding his aging body up with a wooden cane.

"...." Duke Fay, who was sitting behind a large wooden desk in a medium sized chair sat there in silence after hearing this unfortunate news.

The gaze under Duke Fay's eye caused the old man to swallow a huge amount of salvia and continue his words:

"I swear to the Goddess Theia I tested him the correct way and did it multiple times."

The old man's body shook violently and at any moment he felt like he would be killed just by the gaze alone.

"So, Hajime is a waste? How is that possible!?" Duke Fay slammed his hand on the desk causing papers to fly off.


This burst of anger caused the old man to fall on his butt while letting out a scared reaction from his mouth.