The Birth of a New Era

Opening his eyes slowly, Hajime found himself in a pitch black environment with no light.

The only thing that accompanied him was the coldness and small sounds of dripping water.

"Where am I?" Hajime, who could only see darkness, felt a panic rush to his heart.

Feeling the cold hard surface with his small hand his face darkened.

As he tried to move, his body suddenly was yanked to the ground!

A metal clink resounded through the darkness.

His breathing became faster when his ears twitched from the metal sound.

Furiously moving his arms toward his right leg he felt a cold metal collar attached to the bottom of his leg.

The sensation of having a chain attached to his right leg left him feeling hopeless as he laid back on the cold surface.

Moving his hands a couple inches above his hand he hit a hard surface.

He was trapped...