Chapte 39: A glance veiled by madness

Hailey’s POV

Owen walks in front of me, so I can only see his straight back, that of a firm man, and the hands he keeps clenched into fists. I know that in this instant he is struggling to maintain control, but I wonder if he can really achieve it, or if, instead, he will find war within himself.

Part of me regrets telling him things the way I have, but I know that hiding the truth any longer would hurt us more than it has now, so perhaps it was my only good option.

The distance I feel between us tears me up inside. I wish I had more time to explain things to him and hopefully try to mend what has broken between us, but right now we have something more urgent to attend to.

“This way, please.”

The servant then leads us down a corridor whose end opens before a large door, which leads to a huge and practically empty hall. On it rests a golden throne with ornamental carvings of wolves, and seated on it is a man of incalculable age who gazes at us intently.