Although she had experience dealing with women asking or demanding to see Cedric, Rosie couldn't stop her body from turning to stone. Still, professionalism won over and she answered the receptionist politely, "Mr. Orion isn't keen on having guests without appointments unless they're family. But I'll ask him. Who's she?"

"Amy McKellar."

Amy McKellar?

Rosie pursed her lips. "Alright. I will let Mr. Orion know about this guest. Thank you."

Then she put the phone down slowly, afraid she'd smash it instead.

"Another woman?" she mumbled as she double checked with Maribel's appointment schedule. "Cedric's been quite busy, isn't he?"

"You should know that Mr. Orion doesn't let other women touch him that easily."

Rosie jumped and her eyes shot to Michael. She hadn't even noticed that he had already come out of Cedric's office.

"And I don't think I've ever seen another person, not even Maribel, do his tie for him."