Cedric's head jerked back as surprise flashed in his eyes.

Rosie kept going.

"How do you see me as I am now, Cedric? Because my feelings for you haven't wavered if that's what you think. For me... it doesn't matter what our past was like. Nothing has changed. I love you as you are now. And I hope... we feel the same about each other."

His eyes were in agony when he said, "Why? From the start, I've lied, kept secrets and deceived you, Rosie.

"You've had your reasons--."

"Excuses. All of them."

"Maybe I should let you explain," she offered softly and her body went stiff when he suddenly let her go, laughing with no humor.

"What good are explanations?" he returned, his tone cold. "I approached you and acted like I didn't know anything. I lied without care or concern for your feelings because they weren't important. It made it easier for me to trick you."

"You can't possibly mean that, Cedric."